What would you do if you got kidnapped?


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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I often wonder what would I think, how would I react? How would I deal with the abductor? Etc.
I know you can only answer certain questions the rest you would actually have to go through ti to really say what you would do?

Would you put a fight? Would you do everything so that he/she wouldn't hurt you?

Something to think about?

Does your family know your routine? Do they know how you are? What if you didn't come home or call they would know?
I wouldn't say a flippin' thing! I'd just STFU and do what I was told, and hoped to HELL I'd get my ass out of their alive!
no point for them to kidnapping me. If so, I'm ready to die.
I would flip my mind off.. where my precouisly baby if suppose kinapping my child.. I will become eye for an eye...
- PRAY and DEPENDS on God for protection
- Keep an eye for yourself - look around and make sure no one is watching or following you
- Learn how to have self-defense
- Own a gun and have license for protection
suppose like in the movie "Saw", you were kidnapped, drugged, then put into a filthy bathroom being chained to a pipe...what would you do to survive this?

If the kidnapper have a gun, the kidnapper should've shot me a long time ago if I didnt shut up, and he ends up pistol whipping me, I guess it shows he has no ammo in his gun. If he really wants me to shut up, he would shot me in the leg or something instead of pistol whipping me. Most ppl who dont have ammo in their gun would instead pistol whip you, or that most ppl dont have the guts to shoot you to death.
It's not like we get kidnapped on a regular basis so it's hard to say what any one of us would do; we'd know what to do or not to do, depending on the circumstances we find ourselves in.
That is a good thread by asking a hypothetical question.

In a case of event by kidnapping, I would probably have alot of thoughts trying to set up an escape route and do whatever is possible to survive. I am aware the scenario can turn out differently than what it is expected to do. Really, You would not be able to know what would happen if you were kidnapped. I would also probably comply with the kidnapper's order and go along with it until an opportunity strikes. When the opportunity strikes, That's when I will try my damnest to get the hell out of there. I was told that it is best to try to think rationally in case a situation like this arises but would you be able to think straight while being kidnapped? No I don't think so because that is when your fear sets in and the paranoia gets to you.
Hey, Malfy, good to see ya! Please enlighten me on this Red Chief guy....
kidnapped me... I would freak out and *squish'em their balls harder til bleed*
Sorry I have to.. If shoot me.. I'll be heaven. :)
Hopefully not happends... Keep faith to Jesus all my heart..