What Tempture is it outside in your area right now?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Here in Indiana, it is 27 degrees outside.. BRRRRRRRRRRRR! :eek2:

What about you guys?
it is about 46 right now. It feels good!

We will have cool/cold weather coming here soon, due to more rain coming this way next week or it might come a day early. It has been doing that here alots. Weird weather, I hate warm weather! I LOVE COLD WEATHER! It feels good! :)
Current temperature here now is 27 deg Celsius (80 deg Fahrenheit) at 1.05 pm and it is forecast as 31 deg Celsius (87.8 Fahrenheit) for today. :)
High 18C (64F degrees)
Low 11C (51F degrees)

But today is very nice and sunny day, looks like this summer gonna be cooler this year.
it's about 40F (4.444C) not to bad at the moment but windy as heck.
37 degrees here. At least it's better than 2 days ago....it went high of 29 degrees in the day time.
It is 23 degrees here right now! BRRRR The high should be 48 today.
its 47 today. 20 degree drop since yesterday. We had 68 yesterday. Its sunny out!!
Finally the temperatures dropped big time last night after almost 2 weeks of 60 to 70 degree weather.

Now it is 43 degrees but with the wind, feels like 38 degrees.
As of right now it's 37 degrees but it's been up and down mostly.