What martial art would suit you?


Active Member
May 31, 2005
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I was looking through the website that Fei Ku put up and I found something that you could take a quiz in. :) :thumb:



One of the most misunderstood of all the arts. Using your opponents aggression against them, you can disable them efficiently and with minimal risk to yourself. Advanced practitioners are also taught sword-play.
martial arts

I grew up taking several styles of martial arts. I hold a black belt in Americian Tae Kwon Do, a black belt in Jhoon Rhee Tae kwon Do, 2nd brown in Wado-Ryu ( working on my black there) , green belt in Tang SooDo, a beginer in Akidio, Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Cross trained in Kickboxing, grappling and wrestling. Took PPCT ( pressure Points counter techinques) in college. All Styles has its pros and cons. I personally perfer Wado- Ryu, Akidio, grappling and wrestling. They are more "real life" training styles than the others. There are some styles that focus on winning tournaments and do not teach you the real self defense.
Heath said:

One of the most misunderstood of all the arts. Using your opponents aggression against them, you can disable them efficiently and with minimal risk to yourself. Advanced practitioners are also taught sword-play.

What is soo misunderstood about aikido? And to be honest, traditionally there is no sword kata within Aikido.
AnotherDeafGuy said:
What is soo misunderstood about aikido? And to be honest, traditionally there is no sword kata within Aikido.

Not here in the USA but they do teach sword play overseas.

The Akidio I trained with in Detroit has saurmi ( sp) classes. My uncle who got me into martial arts has a best friend who is a 1981 world chapmion weapon fighter by the name os Sensei Dale Kirby.