what kind of vegetables do you like?

okras, black-eyed beans, any kind of beans, kale, collard greens,.. actually I like all kinds of vegetables...
UGH! yall make me hungry this morning!!!! grrrr!!!!!!:lol:

i love lettuce, cumber, pea, corn, corn the cob, orka (sp), squash.. umm, if i thinkt something then i will put here more.. :mrgreen:
Reiko said:
Oh cool I didn't know! lol I would have never guessed that. lol

Me neither! I looked it up and found that a tomato is botanically a fruit. So, it looks like we were both wrong when we said the tomato is our favorite vegetable.

In an interesting turn of events, the law disagrees with botanists and says a tomato is a vegetable:

Tomato tastes like a vegetable. :P Fruits don't taste like that! :P
sequoias said:
Tomato tastes like a vegetable. :P Fruits don't taste like that! :P

LOL That's right Sequoias, I'm a tomatoes lover and it sure taste like vegetable to me....
Glad ya'll agree with me, though I knew it taste likes a vegetable! :P
yea true i agree with u that tomatoes should be veg not fruits.. werid.. who idea that??? :lol:
I guess scientists have nothing better to do and they are wasting their time studying that tomatoe is a fruit or something. :P
I think the fact that a tomato is a fruit has very important implications for scientists and botanists.
Either way, I could call it a vegetable. It sounds good to me.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I like spinach because it makes my poop green.
Good iron too. :thumb:

Oh yes, you remind me about spinach... My family & I are spinach lover... We ate spinach every Saturdays to serve with fried eggs and potatoes or tortelli.

You got me curious what your mom cook spinach to serve with?
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh yes, you remind me about spinach... My family & I are spinach lover... We ate spinach every Saturdays to serve with fried eggs and potatoes or tortelli.

You got me curious what your mom cook spinach to serve with?

With fried chickens, corn bread, sweet potatoes.

But one time when I saw foodtv... That chef was putting feta cheese, eggs, and spinach together and mix them and then
put one spoonful on eggroll layer and fry them.

I tried that and it was good, it only took me 10 minutes to cook 5 spinach eggrolls.
can I scream??? BROCCOLI!!!!!!!! my world class favorite veggie!!!!!

I like just about all veggies except for spinach and turnip greens.. :barf:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I like spinach because it makes my poop green.
Good iron too. :thumb:
ewwwww, TMI!
I like carrot, cauliflower, celery, chives, cabbage, lettuce, onions, zucchini, beets, potatoes, some pepper and radish. Rest of the vegetables i dont like. hah.