What is Your Pet Peeve?

If you ever have any questions about PTSD, feel free to send me a PM.

i'd like to extend the same invitation to anyone who has questions about blindness, deafblindness or bipolar. i can also answer questions about other mental illnesses since i've done quite a bit of research on them since i started receiving mental health treatment in the early 90s.
Nika and HearAgain, I glean more of this stuff when it is a group effort, yanno? So don't let the few jerks stop y'all. I am sure, at this time of the year, at least for today and tomorrow, the moderators will be scarce.
pet peeve: people who say they are your friends then aren't there unless they want something from you. Example: When we moved my "best friend" said he would help and would visit. He has yet to come and even see the house and didn't help at all, we offered gas money and free meals to help and he always had an excuse. he also hasn't been texting me very often like he used to. I think he is pissed at us for moving to a different county and he is emotionally trying to cut himself from us because he feels we deserted him. we always offer to give him gas money and friends shouldn't have to do that, we shouldn't have to bribe or pay to see our friends, if you can at least send a text or email and stay in touch then that would be fine with me. he is a person I have known six we were 16 and I am just wondering if he is just doesn't know how to cope with me losing my whole family this year, IDK, maybe he will tell me why he sin't talking to me anymore one day....
Nika and HearAgain, I glean more of this stuff when it is a group effort, yanno? So don't let the few jerks stop y'all. I am sure, at this time of the year, at least for today and tomorrow, the moderators will be scarce.

thanks, tousi! i won't let a few ignorant people stop me from bringing awareness to others about my bipolar. <smile>
Nika and HearAgain, I glean more of this stuff when it is a group effort, yanno? So don't let the few jerks stop y'all. I am sure, at this time of the year, at least for today and tomorrow, the moderators will be scarce.

Talking about me? If so, let's settle this matter via PM's.
pet peeve: people who say they are your friends then aren't there unless they want something from you. Example: When we moved my "best friend" said he would help and would visit. He has yet to come and even see the house and didn't help at all, we offered gas money and free meals to help and he always had an excuse. he also hasn't been texting me very often like he used to. I think he is pissed at us for moving to a different county and he is emotionally trying to cut himself from us because he feels we deserted him. we always offer to give him gas money and friends shouldn't have to do that, we shouldn't have to bribe or pay to see our friends, if you can at least send a text or email and stay in touch then that would be fine with me. he is a person I have known six we were 16 and I am just wondering if he is just doesn't know how to cope with me losing my whole family this year, IDK, maybe he will tell me why he sin't talking to me anymore one day....

steph9700 i'm sorry about the loss of most of your family members. i know what that's like. i lost my mother (to pancreatic cancer), father (to diabetic and heart related complications) and one of my sisters (to a heart attack at a very young age) all within the span of 4 years. *hugs*

as for your friend, i hate it when people are like that. one of my best friends used to treat me that way, so i had no choice but to end our friendship. it was painful for me to do (since we had been friends since age 10 and we are now in our 30s), but it was my only choice.
I'm not sure how defensive I came across but I'm not riled up. If I offended someone else, my apologies. So unless there is a matter for others to settle, there is no matter for me to settle.
I'm not sure how defensive I came across but I'm not riled up. If I offended someone else, my apologies. So unless there is a matter for others to settle, there is no matter for me to settle.

ditto. at the same time, i appreciate tousi sticking up for nika and i (as well as others here with mental illness or other conditions).
Pet peeve: people that intentionally do things that they know scares you, just to get a kick out of your startle response.
Pet peeve: people that intentionally do things that they know scares you, just to get a kick out of your startle response.

i *hate* that. i also hate people who wave their hands in front of my face or ask me how many fingers they're holding up after i've already told them i'm totally blind. my usual response to them is, "if you don't know how many fingers you're holding up, then you've got a real problem now, don't you?"
i also hate people who wave their hands in front of my face or ask me how many fingers they're holding up after i've already told them i'm totally blind

Same! I can't stand when people do that to me. Or they clap their hands in my face. I can hear your hands clapping.

Yesterday my dad was trying to lose me on the slopes by making lots of turns and crossing paths with other skiers. It was really annoying because I NEED to follow him in order to not get lost!