What is your opinion on the drinking age in USA?

I know many people in their 40's that act as mature as a 13 y/o! ;)

So do I, but not that many, maybe in the ghettos, slums are they are poorly educated to know any differences. Put it this way, for this staged progression of alcohol consumption licences to work, it would be carried out as 2 stage for ALL drinkers who are currently charged for DUI's, for those admitted -volunteered or not-receiving drug/alcohol rehabilitation treatments from hospitals and couselling centres, and for all those currently acquiring a drivers licences, as well due to their age provisional status. This would canvas the immature/toublesome older adults not deemed fit for alcohol purchases.

I think it could work, and obviously there would be a lot of upset, angry adults questioning about how their rights are breached. Well it shouldnt be a huge issue as due to the 'loopholes' would be acknowledged due to their proven records has left their 'accepted' status to obtain their licence remained untarnished.
I dont care about legal drinking. I am not interested to drink anyway.