What is More Important

It's clear that you can have to police what destructive people are saying. I was made into a hate object by persona and it has consumed my life. Someone once said to me, "You're a tragedy," and that is true. What people said about me is what made me one.

I can live with myself because I know what really happened, but it is hard. People make it very hard.

you are making it very hard on yourself. you are a ring leader of crabs in a bucket. stop dragging yourself down and stop with this delusion.

nobody believes your story and you're going have to accept it and deal with it. why not make it easier on yourself by keeping it to yourself? you should find a therapist/counselor/psychiatrist if you really need to tell this Peter Gabriel story. why are you abusing yourself to deal with doubters? why not go to a forum who would listen to your story?
One way to explain it has to do with the luck factor in lawsuits. When I was attacked, I was attacked blindside. When I was tortured, I lost my hearing. We moved and tried to put life back together, but things still continued to be a problem. I suffered a frame up on armed robbery charges after coming home from the Governor's School.

Given that I was tortured this way, how did it happen that the majority of people blame the victim still?

Peter Gabriel got involved is one reason. He is a terrible man. He did everything he could to incite peer hostility, peer envy, people saying, "Why should he be getting attention," and so on.

The result was that a concensus developed to blame the victim and say that I had never been victimized, which is ridiculous.

I have many times pleaded with people to look at the facial nerve, at the evidence of gruelling beatings in the optic nerve evidence, which imperils my ability to read at an early age.

But the whole idea of Gabriel jerked everybody's chain so it might as well never have happened. Nobody cares and everybody hates me, real bad.

It's an evil nightmare.
One way to explain it has to do with the luck factor in lawsuits. When I was attacked, I was attacked blindside. When I was tortured, I lost my hearing. We moved and tried to put life back together, but things still continued to be a problem. I suffered a frame up on armed robbery charges after coming home from the Governor's School.

Given that I was tortured this way, how did it happen that the majority of people blame the victim still?

Peter Gabriel got involved is one reason. He is a terrible man. He did everything he could to incite peer hostility, peer envy, people saying, "Why should he be getting attention," and so on.

The result was that a concensus developed to blame the victim and say that I had never been victimized, which is ridiculous.

I have many times pleaded with people to look at the facial nerve, at the evidence of gruelling beatings in the optic nerve evidence, which imperils my ability to read at an early age.

But the whole idea of Gabriel jerked everybody's chain so it might as well never have happened. Nobody cares and everybody hates me, real bad.

It's an evil nightmare.

post reported. this is not related to this thread.
It is very obviously thematically the same as the thread. The question which is more important what Jiro says about deaftears or what I have to say in terms of self-representation to make clear to people who are not at first pass seemingly wise enough to realize that your hostility is a program.
It is very obviously thematically the same as the thread. The question which is more important what Jiro says about deaftears or what I have to say in terms of self-representation to make clear to people who are not at first pass seemingly wise enough to realize that your hostility is a program.

stop hurting yourself.
I don't see your hurting me as me hurting myself. I think they are two different things, Jiro.