What is a free field hearing test?


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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I asked for an aided audiogram, and the audiologist said this isn't done the normal way with headphones but is something called a free field test. I couldn't find anything on google about it.

Has anybody had one?
I've not heard the term free field test myself, but I have had aided audiograms in which I wear my hearing aids and no headphones. I'm still in the booth and the audiologist tells me that eliminates all background noise. Is this the same thing? (Are you trying to find out where you stand with your hearing aids?)
That sounds reasonable, though she said they don't have the equipment there so it'll have to be at the childrens unit, so I'm wondering what they use. Yes, I am- never had one before- I had to plead for this test!
Hi. :)
I have had a hearing test like that when I was younger. It is just a hearing test where they have you leave your hearing aids on and they do the test through a speaker that is in the booth with you. They want to see how much help your hearing aids are to you. With me, they tested my hearing aids in quiet, noise and with static in the background. The "field" part of the title, is referring to the "sound field" that you are in while you are in the room. Also, they will present different sounds from different directions to see if you can hear behind you and in front of you. I am not sure how they do this test now a days, but when I was a kid, thats what they did with me. They can tell you what percent that your hearing aids are helping you and what un-aided scores you have, and then compare them.
Good luck with your test. :)

:) TSF
Ah thankyou :) I'm eagerly awaiting the appointment letter, no idea when it is yet, but I'd love to see what they think- how much my aids help. Do you have to press the buttons like usual?
Either button or hand signal or if there are words you may just speak them clearly because there is a mic in the booth that the audi can hear you from outside the booth this is what I had somewhat too when I had testing for CI