What are you thinking about? Part IV

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How low the posts are recently here due to a bully unbridled.

I've noticed there to be a couple now. :) It seems like some people are just looking for a fight.
Thinking about how my nose and throat is burning. Something got to give. We would be happy to take some rain to help put out the fire in Okefenokee Swamp. The fog smoke is bad here yesterday and today.

We got the same here in Jax also!.... Last I heard the fire is still burning, 100 acres, and is headed towards Florida....the air quality is bad already. It was a little better today, tho'. But...OH SO HOT!...We need Rain....
Thinking about how much I hate that my 5-year old central air unit is NOT working !! I am so fortunate to have a SO and friends that are proficient in this sort of thing, so we'll get it fixed without a service call. But it sucks that it was so hot today (75-80? That's HOT for here, :lol: )
Thinking about how much I hate that my 5-year old central air unit is NOT working !! I am so fortunate to have a SO and friends that are proficient in this sort of thing, so we'll get it fixed without a service call. But it sucks that it was so hot today (75-80? That's HOT for here, :lol: )

definitely way too hot for me
I am thinking about the ENT appointment I have coming up. Had a minor scare over the weekend and I have been "chilling out" as much as possible. I have not been doing much different than I always do, but for some reason, the other day after my shower, it seems I had a "chunk" of something come out of my ear. We have it wrapped up to take with us to the ENT. It is not wax like hubby thought. All I know is, it is hard and has a sharp edge. Went to ER and they can't tell anything, so I went to see mu PC doc and he has referred me to an ENT. HE says it looks like a bone fragment. He has also requested for all copies of my hearing records and so I gave him my file and asked him to get it copied and returned to me. The file is actually four 6 inch thick expanding files. I don't feel any different and there is no pain. Since I can't hear anything anyway, I couldn't tell if it created more of an issue. For me, it's just a puzzle that really won't matter.


That's new to me!
Thinking that there are 5 1/2 weeks left of the school year. 2 1/2 weeks until I fly to AZ!
is thinking that this Friday... it will be just like me in The Bachelor show :roll:

as long as you and your roomie can afford at least 2 months of rent (god forbids but just in case one of you lost a job or whatever happened - you might have to pay for both)... then you're good to go.

I have planned to put money back in a separate 'emergency' account in case something like this happens. I agree though that you never know. Hopefully I will hear from USDA soon.
I am thinking about how it will be sad to leave my externship site :( I really loved working in pediatrics soooo fun! I poke kids :giggle:
I'm Thinking: I have horrible luck. I meet this A M A Z I N G guy and he is months away of leaving for the Marines, ugh!
Am thinking about my new Washer & Dryer....:lol:....how no one reallllly appreciates a washer & dryer until they break down!....or the laundry room gets flooded........Maybe cracking a bottle of Champagne over them would give them more r-e-s-p-e-c-t.....

Also thinking about how "whiney" a kid can get if I've no time (yesterday) to take him to the mall to get a new Poster for his wall.....he whines..."there's an empty spot on my wall....my room looks terrible!"...I considered nailing him to the wall!...Tooooo many bikini-clad girls on his wall and everytime I go in his room to dust and straighten up...I find myself sucking in my stomach!...There's no justice for an old lady like me!
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