Well I wish....


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Even though I think Love sucks... but

It would be nice to have a man who don't worry too much...

I want a man to go out and do what he suppose to do...
Get a real good job... or maybe be a doctor or a lawyer...

So that we can have a big big house... and share a car together...

I can just cook him dinner and give him a big massage... and a big

And have many many kids with him..... let nature do it course...

And not let that interfere with our sex life, worrying about how many kids
we produce...

Well I can have my uterus removed after having 5 kids with him...

And we can just have romantic sex every night, no problem.

Then everything will be okay... we be happy and stuff... forever....

I don't know what I am talking about?

I don't know why marriage life isn't simple to you folks out there...
Why people divorce? And why people cheated?

I just don't understand...
I don't think that we know what to expect from life. This is the critical point ! To Love or not ? depends each individual. there is no a simple answer.
I think we all want that...

I believe this Devil temptation, jealousy, insecure about ourselves, and
everything else is the problem that cause marriage.
we all want to be happy ! but meaning of 'happiness' is different for each person..

Some feel happy if they have a good life love .
Some feel happy if they have a good career.
Some feel happy if they have much money.
Some feel happy if they have a exciting sex partner..
For some, life is on religion.
Some consider 'loneliness' happiness!

What do you want from life ? Get this first and then think about love .
Good luck :fingersx:
Yeah when I was with Jay, I saw him kissing my best friend in the car's rear view mirror.... I dumped him.

And then I was with Byron, I saw him in a car with another woman....

Then I was with Jeff, he kept yelling at me for no reason....
And I was like, dang, why he kept treating me like this...

And then I was with Bobby, he stole my money... hit me 3 times.

And then there was with Eric, I was like HELL NO, I don't want to deal
with men ever again... Please men go away... I don't want to be HURT
over and over and over and over again....

I am so tired of my heart broken like this... I don't deserve this...
I know I am a good woman... and a very nice generous person...
Men won't give me a chance...

I would love to take care of them... and cook for them and give them
massage and be a good housewife to them if men stop being so
evil toward me for no reason....

I don't understand.
What should I say ?

They didn't know about true love . They were only interested in physical attraction. They thought they found out a 'more beautiful one' and then they betrayed.

They wouldn't have your soul mate if you had been married to any of them !

At least, you was able to see the truth before marriage.

Never stop seeking the right one ! :hug:
Halle Berry, Christie Brinkley, they are beautiful...
even Tina Turner is...

Men treated them terrible.

okay... fine I keep looking.:fingersx:
Yes they are beautiful but some men do not want long time relationships if their goal is sex or physical attraction , I suppose. They are like birds flying from one branch to another.

sure ,keep looking.. it may take years but it's worth of it :D
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i m an man and never do any of those stuff because i was raised to respect woman competely but i m already taken and i love her with all my heart and so much more i m even going to move 1300 miles just for her that s how much i love her my heart is for her and her heart is for me i m an gentle guy i m the kind of a guy who gives and never takes if my girlfriend (soon tobe wife) offer me something and insist i take it then i will be willing to take it only because i love my girlfriend i really really are in so much love with my girlfriend in hammond its near new orleans and i m living in wisconsin right now but i ll move down there for her i ll be moving down there in 20 days so not all men are bad i m one living proof that men arent bad
i m looking for an long term relationshi0 that leads to marriage that s what i found in my gf i m 23 years old wanna know how many women i had sex with? one just one i m not interested in sex i m very interested in love of course my gf have urges need to be satisfy i m more than willing to do that but my main goal for her is love
Of course, not all men are bad, buddy.. I was speaking of those who betrayed!

I'm glad you found out your soulmate :) I wish that for myself,too :)
why you think u are a bad person, the empress??

sure there is no such thing as perfect relationship.. it take two to tango...

maybe its just illusion??? i sometimes wonder....

they said its better to get in the realtionship 100 percent all YOU.. relationship or the man doesnt make you whole.. but Yourself..

i sometimes think im a bad person why else i am alone.. im too picky.. lmao.. go figures.. always get in wrong relationhip with wrong guy.. i guess im naive.. lol.. :(
thats the spirit, the empress.. Good luck! just remmy go slow and dont rush! take time to get to know each other first.. :D
Nah...remember Empress all men gave u a headache. You are happy sitting at home with your mother so why need a man?

Maybe you can kiss a shark and find your true love there.

*just kidding:giggle: *
Yeah when I was with Jay, I saw him kissing my best friend in the car's rear view mirror.... I dumped him.

And then I was with Byron, I saw him in a car with another woman....

Then I was with Jeff, he kept yelling at me for no reason....
And I was like, dang, why he kept treating me like this...

And then I was with Bobby, he stole my money... hit me 3 times.

And then there was with Eric, I was like HELL NO, I don't want to deal
with men ever again... Please men go away... I don't want to be HURT
over and over and over and over again....

I am so tired of my heart broken like this... I don't deserve this...
I know I am a good woman... and a very nice generous person...
Men won't give me a chance...

I would love to take care of them... and cook for them and give them
massage and be a good housewife to them if men stop being so
evil toward me for no reason....

I don't understand.

Well, U got wrong guys ! ! keep fishing and find a good guy out there..

how long will one keep searching for mr. right? too long! lol..