Well here is a twist

Wow, with your loss I would get the most powerful Naidas which are the Naida Q UPs, I wouldn't even look in to the SPs. The UPs are more powerful and way louder in the low frequencies. UPs take bigger batteries so you won't be changing batteries all the time.

A lot of people on this site have said that the UPs sound so much better then the SPs.

I second the suggestion to go for UPs. Through an error with VocRehab, I was given SPs instead of UPs. As a result I have to change batteries between every 4 to 6 days (depending on usage) and my hearing aids are maxed out. The extra 10 dB would be really useful.
I've had my UP's since April 25th. I've changed the batteries once. It's really nice! I'll miss that when I get my CI and go back to my Starkey's!
I second the suggestion to go for UPs. Through an error with VocRehab, I was given SPs instead of UPs. As a result I have to change batteries between every 4 to 6 days (depending on usage) and my hearing aids are maxed out. The extra 10 dB would be really useful.

I know someone else who got the Naidas from VocRehab and she ended up with the SPs as well. Seems this mistake happens a lot :mad2: She has also maxed them out now with her progressive loss
I'm getting the UPs. My cousin called her and said that what she wrote on the invoice was an error. She emailed me a copy of the order she actually processed. It's all good. Can someone put me in the right direction for a telephone?
I'm getting the UPs. My cousin called her and said that what she wrote on the invoice was an error. She emailed me a copy of the order she actually processed. It's all good. Can someone put me in the right direction for a telephone?

That's good that your cuusin helped you out :)

I'm not in the US so someone else will be along about telephones as I'm not sure how they work in the US :)
FAQ: FAQ - How do I set up and use a TTY/TDD device with my Nokia phone? - Nokia - USA

Seems like you can make a Nokia cell phone into a TTY phone suitable for deaf people.

Also a iPhone can work with a TTY adaptor as well.

The key to making this work is making sure that you have, or get, a TTY that has the connector for the cord to the cell phone. Many do not. Krown is one mfg. that I know of the makes TTYs that you can connect to cell phones. I do not have one but am familiar with their site from shopping.
I am finally getting my naida q issue fixed for my new naida. I'll finally soon be able to wear 2 hearing aids and have to carry around one set of batteries! woohoo
I'm getting the UPs. My cousin called her and said that what she wrote on the invoice was an error. She emailed me a copy of the order she actually processed. It's all good. Can someone put me in the right direction for a telephone?

Have you got your Naidas yet? Hope things are going well and they work for you :)
I got the UPS and its been strange. I still can't hear very much at all. I struggle in conversations and have had one adjustment that made it better. I understand my hearing with the hearing aids won't get back to where it was. I am finding they do make it easier to understand when talking to one person at a time. I also find that if I look at their mouths when they are talking it is a lot easier to understand. I'm adjusting slowly. I have a very persistent ringing in my one ear that is frustrating. I have gotten an ASL tutor (meeting 2 times a week) and started looking for some meetups that are in the area I live in. I want to meet some people who are part of the Deaf community. I'm a little nervous about going to meet up with people. Right now I am feeling a little isolated by my friends and family. Not for their lack of trying but because My immediate family has no idea what I'm going through. The members of my family that do live very far away.
I hope further adjustments at least make it better then it is.

I had many many adjustments on my Naidas which were good but still not what I wanted. My Audi then played around with the fitting forulmas to see if that would help and it worked wonders for me, big time.

Might be an option for you as well.

Glad you managed to get an ASL tutor.
That's good that your ASL Tutor has been helpful giving you other information.

I might of misunderstood, are you not going to be using your voice at all now?

(My family would go crazy if I decided to not use my voice as I have really good speech even tho I'm born profoundly deaf and I'm also the only deaf person in my whole family).

Keep us updated.