Warm greetings from Estonia, I am Markus, but I am not deaf...


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
:wave: I am totally new here. The reason why I made a profile here is that I am interested in getting new deaf friends, especially female friends. I haven't have much contact with deaf people, but I once had a deaf girlfriend in Estonia and I have never experienced something that beautiful, we loved each other like I have never loved anyone before.

From that relationship I got like an addiction of deaf girls. Maybe some think that my talk here is strange, but it's not. Those words come from deep in my heart and I really hope to find dream love that someone search all of their life, but I feel I can find it soon. Don't get me wrong I am not looking for that "perfect dream doll" who only exists in our mind. I have both legs on the ground ;)

So anyone who feels interested can contact with me ;)
I am 20 years old, very good looking, loving and caring family oriented person and again, I am not deaf. There are more information about me in my profile.

And everyone who have questions then these are warmly welcomed

I know that you people see life from a bit other perspective and you can value the right things in life and I like that a lot.

I wish everything beautiful to you all ^^

(and sorry for bad English, it's not my mother tongue)
:welcome: to Alldeaf, Markus. :)

As for your liking of deaf girls? You will not be judged. :) To each his own.