Wanted: Tactiaid


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
I was planning on getting a Tactaid because I was hoping it would help me with road safety since I am profoundly deaf and can only see a bit in good lighting. I had a bit of problem this summer where I asked Jilli to go into a road that I mistook for a cycle path but it wasn't it was a proper road. Although I can normally see enough to tell the differance at the time this happened I was unable to see anything at all. So after that I thought a devise like this would be helpful. I've already got myself a panasonic devise which vibrates when it hits obsticles. This has proved very useful in unfavorable lighting conditions. I thought this devise would be equally useful.

Unfortunately it seems they've stopped making these devises. So I was wondering if anyone had one that they weren't using any more that you would be willing to sell?
Did u try to look on ebay or Craig"s List?
Glad that you were able to find one--hope it's works out for you! ;)

600 pounds is equivalent to $1,254.50 US currency. (converter)
