
It might be okay for mild and moderate hard of hearing if you are referring to listening but for severe and profound, no way. I would rather be in the Deaf world, thank you very much. :ugh:
that is great reason supportive donate reason fund becase CHHA because improve lots of adjust to best effort I think so supportive! courage to best :)
It might be okay for mild and moderate hard of hearing if you are referring to listening but for severe and profound, no way. I would rather be in the Deaf world, thank you very much. :ugh:

What? It's for a walk for a cause nothing to do with you listening to anything ..

Wow didn't think people here would be rude about it ..guess I was wron to post it here.
I can see why some would be offended by this. It would be one thing if it was a "Deaf Pride Walk" thing, but the title almost makes it sound as if deafness is a disease that needs a fundraiser to find a cure. Remember not all of us wants to be a part of the hearing world.

I'm sure you didn't mean to offend.
I can see why some would be offended by this. It would be one thing if it was a "Deaf Pride Walk" thing, but the title almost makes it sound as if deafness is a disease that needs a fundraiser to find a cure. Remember not all of us wants to be a part of the hearing world.

I'm sure you didn't mean to offend.

That is exactly what I meant. Thank you for making your statement clear for Alicia. I just can not help when hearing people expect us to hear very clearly and wanting us to listen very badly when we (no matter if hard of hearing or deaf) struggled with the hearing world. It just pained me to think that we have to go through all over again and what about children who might suffer just like we had suffered many years ago. It is no fun at all when hearing parents and hearing authorities like AGBell organization tried to make us be like them. The words Walk to Hear is kind of audism to me. Sorry, Alicia. :(
Actually NO where on their website does it say we encourage hoh or deaf to learn spoken english. If you had visited the website MAYBE you would have seen that ... you know it has been a LONG time coming for me to open my mouth on this website so here it is...

Many of the Ddeaf and hoh and hearing ppl on this site think their own sh*t doesn't stink...people here complain about hearing people (and ya I've done it a few times myself) and say how rude they are to deaf people, how ignorant they are, they they they...Yes we all get it you have your own experiences ...and you're bitter about it. Just because you've been wronged doesn't mean you have the right to go on and on about hearing ppl like they are ALL ignorant and ALL audist and ALL rude to deaf people. They're are ALOT of decent hearing people in this world and it seems many users on here seem to forget that.

I am deaf myself and I'm only doing the walk to create more awarenes...you don't want to help me then that's fine but at least read something before you go saying that the site is or isn't.
Also if you guys knew my well enough before you wrote those comments you would know that I am all about learning ASL etc and that I'm not audiat nor dpi support AG bells views but thanks ever so much on making me see thy some people on here kit like to jump to conclusions and not take the person into account
Welcome back AliciaM to "alice in deafland". Somethings never change-Ideology VS reality. Cheers

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Actually NO where on their website does it say we encourage hoh or deaf to learn spoken english. If you had visited the website MAYBE you would have seen that ... you know it has been a LONG time coming for me to open my mouth on this website so here it is...

Many of the Ddeaf and hoh and hearing ppl on this site think their own sh*t doesn't stink...people here complain about hearing people (and ya I've done it a few times myself) and say how rude they are to deaf people, how ignorant they are, they they they...Yes we all get it you have your own experiences ...and you're bitter about it. Just because you've been wronged doesn't mean you have the right to go on and on about hearing ppl like they are ALL ignorant and ALL audist and ALL rude to deaf people. They're are ALOT of decent hearing people in this world and it seems many users on here seem to forget that.

I am deaf myself and I'm only doing the walk to create more awarenes...you don't want to help me then that's fine but at least read something before you go saying that the site is or isn't.

Hold your horses. If I must, I can direct you to the "what annoys you about hearies" thread. I have only complained about relay operators in that thread. I do not think "hearies are bad".

Second, I asked you what it was so I could gain knowledge. I see others are quite brash. But in all honesty I was not fond of the name itself.

I've seen your other threads and such and have no problems with you personally. :) Maybe it's my past actions that have led you down this path and for that I take full responsibility. :)
Hi Alicia, let me give you a reason why I was nervous about this thread, even though I didn't say anything before now. In the US, (I know you are in Canada) but here in the US, there is a walk by a similar name, the Walk4Hearing, created by the HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America). Some of the main supporters of this walk are auditory/verbal schools, and Clark School for the deaf (a completely oral program, no sign language allowed). They also raise money for CIs in children, which as you probabally know is a very contriversal issue in the Deaf community. I hope that clears up some of the concerns you have. I also, like PFH have seen your posts and have no objections to you.

Also, but AB and Coclear are some of the main sponcers for your walk.
Hold your horses. If I must, I can direct you to the "what annoys you about hearies" thread. I have only complained about relay operators in that thread. I do not think "hearies are bad".

Second, I asked you what it was so I could gain knowledge. I see others are quite brash. But in all honesty I was not fond of the name itself.

I've seen your other threads and such and have no problems with you personally. :) Maybe it's my past actions that have led you down this path and for that I take full responsibility. :)

I never said as mad at you personally. As well I never stated that you,personally, say ignorant thugs abor hearing people. But it is not new knowledge that some people on this forum do bash hearing people and put them into one category ..yes hearing ppl csn be rude but so can deaf people and two wrongs don't make a right.
I provided the link to the website and yes cochlear an AB are sponsors as well as blackberry and local smaller sponsors like interpreting services, Cart services, local audiologists and smaller organizations that we have in Ottawa are represented at the walk. If you go to the website it shows that the chia supports capioning, TTY, captioned telephones and other various assisting listening devices. No where on the site does it hold audist views and suggest thy hoh people NEED to use spoken language. There are man ASL users who hve come to the walk2hear event as well as Terps are provided for the event. Maybe they chose a bad name but it wasn't I who picked it. The walk is to mostly provide awareness to the people of Ottawa on hearing loss.
Like I said before I am not supporting oral only or audiat views because that isn't the chha's views. If you don't like the cause and do not want to support and want to be negative keep your rude uncalled for comments to yourself.
oh dear....

All I was trying to say is why I thought some were offended. I personally have no issues with the hearies except a few for personal reasons but I am not a person who is judgmental, narrow-minded either. Not saying anyone here is or isn't, each to our own.
Actually NO where on their website does it say we encourage hoh or deaf to learn spoken english. If you had visited the website MAYBE you would have seen that ... you know it has been a LONG time coming for me to open my mouth on this website so here it is...

Many of the Ddeaf and hoh and hearing ppl on this site think their own sh*t doesn't stink...people here complain about hearing people (and ya I've done it a few times myself) and say how rude they are to deaf people, how ignorant they are, they they they...Yes we all get it you have your own experiences ...and you're bitter about it. Just because you've been wronged doesn't mean you have the right to go on and on about hearing ppl like they are ALL ignorant and ALL audist and ALL rude to deaf people. They're are ALOT of decent hearing people in this world and it seems many users on here seem to forget that.

I am deaf myself and I'm only doing the walk to create more awarenes...you don't want to help me then that's fine but at least read something before you go saying that the site is or isn't.

Thank you and AMEN!!!!
We have a neat group of members at CHHA NCR in Ottawa! Many of us know ASL, some with hearing aids and some with CIs. The Walk2Hear funds go towards a real good cause! They worked to get TTY/TDDs in public building, the buses to have digital displays on schedules and stops, they provide awareness to employers on how to communicate with employees who have a hearing loss, recently they had a free workshop in First Aid and CPR and there's a whole lot of other things CHHA NCR provides that other services do not provide. The CHHA NCR members have gone out to RWC movies, picnics, lots of BBQs, and social meetings with lectures in real time caption. It's true we have some real bad deaf oppression going on in Ottawa, there’s a tight knit Deaf group and many of us are NOT welcome to their gatherings or sport clubs. There’s a whole bunch of us with profound hearing loss that prefer CHHA because they welcome anyone who has a hearing loss!