VP-100 Speed dial list

HawaiiJo said:
My vp blacked out too. Its Sorenson's problem not mine. The latest update has a lot of backdoors theyre telling me. You can see others chatting to others by using their phone numbers. Its like a 3-way call.

youre just paranoid. see others like 3 way call is impossible i laugh on floor hard
Nesmuth said:
No wonder there was a sinister reason for the mysterious 'Sorenson Bee' to dump a free vp-100 in our hands at the OC-Fair booth last summer.


good soreson can track vp-100 by MAC address and you get catch red hand
dkf747 said:
1. The speed dial list is not stored on my router or modem.
2. I did NOT reset them and the list was back during the night.
3. It is my understanding that the list is stored on Sorenson servers somewhere i Utah.

If this is normal then someone should be able to explain what happened.

Partially correct. A COPY of the speed dial list is stored on Sorenson's servers. However, there is a local cache on your VP -- that means that if you lose your connection, you should still have your stuff on the VP, but any updates you make will NOT be saved on Sorenson's servers until you connect back.

It'd be SILLY and STUPID and not to mention DANGEROUS if everyone's VP list disappears if they cannot connect to Sorenson's servers for any reason. That's BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. That means if Sorenson's stuff goes down or becomes unreachable for any reason, you're STUCK. Heaven forbid that happens in an emergency. COMPLAIN TO THE FCC NOW.

GalaxyAngel said:
is that possible VP any kind brands will work connection w/other vp ?
Sorgerans<--->Soregrans always work easily instant but my point...
Sorgerans<--->DLINK DVC-1000 (my vp) Will come impossible work ?

I read the ieye information sometimes will come not work other vp kind of brand software suitable fit in...

What up to my brainstorm **thinking** figures what should see anyone whoever has vp kind of equipment...

What your answer ?

And also... Problem thing... issues IP/PH #

who user dsl or cablemodem.. wha..ever

Cablemodem will work w/other cablemodem becz of track IP.. connection as you're calling to..

Cablemodem will diffculties contact w/DSL how can use dial *IP or phone nbr ?* which speaking of...

fill me info.. please..

GalaxyAngel, your typing is REALLY hard to understand. I'm gonna TRY to answer your questions the best I can, but Please please PLEASE if you can please take the time to write your thoughts as CLEARLY as possible.

I'm gonna guess what you're asking for: (guesses made in bold)
GalaxyAngel said:
Is it possible for any brand of VP to work with any other brand of VP?
Sorenson<--->Sorenson -- Should always work, right? My real question is, will
Sorenson<--->DLINK DVC-1000 (my vp) -- Will this work?

Yes, any VP can talk to another VP. Any WEBCAM can talk to any other webcam or VP or whatever. The only thing is, you have to use an IP address -- NOT a PHONE NUMBER. Do not use your friend's phone number on your VP -- use his IP address. Is this harder to do? Sometimes.

GalaxyAngel said:
Cablemodem will diffculties contact w/DSL how can use dial *IP or phone nbr ?* which speaking of...

No. Everything on the internet uses IP addresses. If you have an IP address, you can reach ANYONE with another IP address. The only exception is that there are things called PRIVATE IP addresses -- you can't access these private addresses from the internet. Those addresses have numbers in the below ranges: (not really fake, but used for testing only, never a real address)

Sometimes you can't tell at a glance, but the general rule of thumb is:

Dennis said:
Partially correct. A COPY of the speed dial list is stored on Sorenson's servers. However, there is a local cache on your VP -- that means that if you lose your connection, you should still have your stuff on the VP, but any updates you make will NOT be saved on Sorenson's servers until you connect back.

It'd be SILLY and STUPID and not to mention DANGEROUS if everyone's VP list disappears if they cannot connect to Sorenson's servers for any reason. That's BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. That means if Sorenson's stuff goes down or becomes unreachable for any reason, you're STUCK. Heaven forbid that happens in an emergency. COMPLAIN TO THE FCC NOW.

You're saying it is cached on the VP-100. That's understandable. Why then is everyone saying to reset my router and cable modem? That's the part I don't get. I did nothing and eventualy it came back all by itself. Perhaps a complaint to the FCC is in order, as you suggest.
dkf747 said:
You're saying it is cached on the VP-100. That's understandable. Why then is everyone saying to reset my router and cable modem? That's the part I don't get. I did nothing and eventualy it came back all by itself. Perhaps a complaint to the FCC is in order, as you suggest.

It seems that I am incorrect. It is NOT cached on the VP-100.

When I am unable to connect to Sorenson's server, my speeddial list is BLANK. That would mean that Sorenson is now operating the VP-100 with the expectation that if their server is down for any reason, you shouldn't have access to your own speeddial list and you can't use any other VRS service.

D-Link doesn't do that. D-Link has it stored locally, so if you can't connect to Sorenson for any reason, you can still use your speed dial list and you can still dial any VRS.
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