

New Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Has anyone ever had vertigo problems? I did 4 years ago and it was worst i ever had and never know when it will happen either. So I had surgery in my ear and after that it went away in a short while. Then it came back again 4 years later while I was visiting my Daughter in Colorado on the day I was suppose to fly.I cannot believe it came back but the Doctor said it may or may not come back when he did the surgery first time but it did came back 4 years later, I went to ER and they gave same meds I had once before and then I had to stay another week with my daughter and then went home and two days later I had another bad attack it will put you to bed for day or two.I went to the doctor and he gave meds and it was off and on and never know when I will have attack either so finally the last bad one i had I had was Decemeber 20 2004 and several lights one til about February. I had tinnitis also and it worse sometime and it go way down low sound and I am getting a cochlear Implant on July 7 next month getting Nucleus Freedom and hope it will solve the vertigo and tintintis problem but no guarantee though.
It is a very bad idea for you to get the implant because you ignore your body telling you something, and even your idea does not work that way.

Have you thought about checking with your doctor to see whether you have some nasal polyps? If no polyps, then I am sure that you will need to see a chicropractor for your neck adjustment because the nerves are compressed from the vertebraes that causes that problem.

Try these for your own treatments:

(1) Put some warm seasalt water into your nasal and drain out of your opened mouth because of the mucus. Make sure your face is halfway down before you put the water in the nasal. (It is an old medicine treatment.) (Note: Never use regular salt. Use sea salt from a health food store.)

(2) If you cannot afford to get a chiropractor, this might work, but I cannot promise that. You have to use your own judgement if it makes a sense to you. Two tennis balls and put them in a missing sock. Lay your back on the floor (please, no rug or bed) and put the sock with the balls back of your neck. Start with top vertebrat as C-1 or at the end of neck C-8. Move each vertebrate for 5 minutes. Your body must be relaxed before do the treatment.

(You move it up or down slowly manually for overall 5 to 8 minutes) If your neck is a little curve, you can put a book(s) under your back neck and put the sock on top of the book to see if you feel the right track. I recommend you do it two times a day for a few days, but it has to be under 10 minutes for this exercise. If it does not help you at all, then you will have no choice to see a chiropractor.

If you are fat, you really must give up being fat. That's how your body create health problems. You need to say yourself no more excuses. Many fat people died from blood clots very especially vessel blood leak in their legs.

Do you remember in Iraq an American newsreporter sat on the tank for many hours? That's how he died of leg blood clots due lack of exercise.
Vertigo Sufferer

I do suffer from vertigo. Approximately 3 to 4 years ago, I started getting dizzy every two weeks, on the same day. I was so dizzy that I couldn't lay down, sleep or move around. I had to sit up straight in a chair. My eyes could not stay in one place, they kept moving around. Over the course of two months, this went on every two weeks. It was not fun; I had to cancel my classes. I would notice little things happening to me just before I would get dizzy. For example, the day before I would get dizzy, my hearing (what I have left, I'm deaf) would almost completely shut off. I had the TV up really loud; my husband couldn't stand it. Sure enough, through the night or early the next morning, I would get dizzy. Sometimes, when I moved my head too fast, or my head was lower than my shoulders on the bed, I would get dizzy.

Recently, about a month ago, I started to get dizzy again. It was not as bad as it used to be. One time, I was finishing up a can of pop, where I had to tip my head back, I got dizzy and nauseous. Any time I moved my head too fast, I would get a mini dizzy spell.

I used to take medication for it but it made me so nauseous, I stopped. The doctor mentioned that I should watch my salt/sodium intake. I've been watching what I eat, and so far I'm just fine.

My dad and my oldest brother all suffer from vertigo too. They don't take any medications either. We are all deaf. Go figure.
Vertigo sufferers and any/all illnesses...

There is good news, but don't get excited until you found what you need or found something that cured your problem. I suggest you buy the book, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by Dr. James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. 1997 from any local health food store near you. It is truly an amazing book and yes, there are more and more doctors believing in vitamins, minerals and herbs as I do. A good place to start is by asking the workers at the health store for help or directions. They are not to replace doctors. We still need doctors to diagnose our health problem or tell us what problem we have individually, then we know where to go and go to the right places and buy the right products. Once we all know what will cure the problem, then we all (individually) will understand and know how to take care of ourselves. If Dr. Balch's book is no longer available, then ask for books that give comprehensive up-to-date self-help approach to good health. I'm very impressed with Dr. Balch's book because it is a 600 page book covering all or almost all types of illnesses with suggestions given for the road back to complete or almost complete recovery. As I have said in another section of this website, buy products for your illness from health food stores only! Any other place can be disaster to your health, because the products are LIKELY to be synthetic which means man-made from a CHEMICAL labratory! Be sure the products you buy are all-natural. Very few all-natural products have side effects. I have my own discoveries besides what is found in the books. You may find your own discoveries too. Just be careful and use good judgement. Everyone has the right to get well their own way as long as they do it right and not jeopardize or put your own life in danger and know what you are doing. Take care and God bless!
Hi there..yes, I had vertigo happen to me recently in Jan and ongoing until I realize all the vertigo happen if I heard a high pitch sound with my hearing aid. Since I took it off, no more vertigo! First ENT told me I have Meniere's disease. Low salt diet. Then second ENT feel I need more qualified opinion so I was referred to a neurotologist. He says I have perilymph fistula (opening in the ear bones) which caused my sound induced vertigo. So I have 3 options for help. Never wear hearing aid again (It helped me a lot!! and I miss it terribly!!), have fistula repaired (might work) or cochlear implant. Since I miss my hearing aid so badly I chose to try repair first if that fails I want to have a CI.

Please no bashing. It's my life, my choice. I'm 48 years old and my lifestyle revolves around many hearing people. My husband is deaf but supports my choices :) I would love to hear from anyone supportive of CI's to tell me their experience. Thank you :)
sacredpain said:
Hi there..yes, I had vertigo happen to me recently in Jan and ongoing until I realize all the vertigo happen if I heard a high pitch sound with my hearing aid. Since I took it off, no more vertigo! First ENT told me I have Meniere's disease. Low salt diet. Then second ENT feel I need more qualified opinion so I was referred to a neurotologist. He says I have perilymph fistula (opening in the ear bones) which caused my sound induced vertigo. So I have 3 options for help. Never wear hearing aid again (It helped me a lot!! and I miss it terribly!!), have fistula repaired (might work) or cochlear implant. Since I miss my hearing aid so badly I chose to try repair first if that fails I want to have a CI.

Please no bashing. It's my life, my choice. I'm 48 years old and my lifestyle revolves around many hearing people. My husband is deaf but supports my choices :) I would love to hear from anyone supportive of CI's to tell me their experience. Thank you :)

I have a CI and have many friends who got CI s so that they could get help with their vertigo or other inner ear problems. They are very pleased with the results. It does not cure it 100 percent but it has reduced to a level where they can handle it without going crazy.

I do understand how you are feeling and I truly wish you best of luck with this exploration of various ways to cope with your issue.
JessHercules said:
I do suffer from vertigo. Approximately 3 to 4 years ago, I started getting dizzy every two weeks, on the same day. I was so dizzy that I couldn't lay down, sleep or move around. I had to sit up straight in a chair. My eyes could not stay in one place, they kept moving around. Over the course of two months, this went on every two weeks. It was not fun; I had to cancel my classes. I would notice little things happening to me just before I would get dizzy. For example, the day before I would get dizzy, my hearing (what I have left, I'm deaf) would almost completely shut off. I had the TV up really loud; my husband couldn't stand it. Sure enough, through the night or early the next morning, I would get dizzy. Sometimes, when I moved my head too fast, or my head was lower than my shoulders on the bed, I would get dizzy.

Recently, about a month ago, I started to get dizzy again. It was not as bad as it used to be. One time, I was finishing up a can of pop, where I had to tip my head back, I got dizzy and nauseous. Any time I moved my head too fast, I would get a mini dizzy spell.

I used to take medication for it but it made me so nauseous, I stopped. The doctor mentioned that I should watch my salt/sodium intake. I've been watching what I eat, and so far I'm just fine.

My dad and my oldest brother all suffer from vertigo too. They don't take any medications either. We are all deaf. Go figure.
yup.. same here.. i has it all in my life til i found out this yr and i shocked.. so i have to watch out... and take it easy.. first time i took med later, stopped so sometime not often dizzy.. not much now.. i hope it work... but i know it will be happen later..
I had dizzy for straight five years. That's why I gave you my advise. I am fine since 10 years.
Have one since 1992 ( on and off). I had to stay away from heavy sodium (salt) and caffeine. To prevent vertigo, need execrise, drink alot of water, and grab alot of fresh air.
Lasza said:
Have one since 1992 ( on and off). I had to stay away from heavy sodium (salt) and caffeine. To prevent vertigo, need execrise, drink alot of water, and grab alot of fresh air.

It is very possible because your muscles where the vertebraes are getting strong if you use your exercise. For the salt and caffeine, that is new to me. Thanks for your advise - just in a case if I get a dizzy.