use of device in children or not

neecy said:
You are making no sense. If a child benefits from a HA, they WON'T implant a CI anyway. Where is anybody forcing anything?

How I can't make sense? Does I need repeat it? :dunno:
Everyone gave me an hard time but it was my decide and no need to discuss with me... I just don't like CI, that it and you are just urge alot but it seems anti-deaf culture or not want proud to be deaf.
volcomskatz said:
Everyone gave me an hard time but it was my decide and no need to discuss with me... I just don't like CI, that it and you are just urge alot but it seems anti-deaf culture or not want proud to be deaf.

Nobody is giving you a hard time, it just at times seems that a lot of your comments and decisions are made without thinking them through, hence people asking you to clarify them.

Asking you to clarify things has no bearing on whether somebody's anti-deaf or not proud of themselves, its simply a desire to better understand what you are trying to tell us.
neecy said:
Nobody is giving you a hard time, it just at times seems that a lot of your comments and decisions are made without thinking them through, hence people asking you to clarify them.

Asking you to clarify things has no bearing on whether somebody's anti-deaf or not proud of themselves, its simply a desire to better understand what you are trying to tell us.

Why does you said about me because I'm not make sense? :dunno:
volcomskatz said:
Why does you said about me because I'm not make sense? :dunno:

you said earlier,
Excuse me, you can't force what I doing with my deaf children.

I just make them to wear HA, that all.

can you tell us where anybody is trying to force you to do anything? That's what we don't understand. Why do you think somebody is trying to force you to make any kind of decision with regards to your future (deaf) children?
neecy said:
you said earlier,

can you tell us where anybody is trying to force you to do anything? That's what we don't understand. Why do you think somebody is trying to force you to make any kind of decision with regards to your future (deaf) children?

because I thought that Boult is tried forced me because I don't understand what Boult said, or I can be wrong but if argue with debate then that can get on my nerves.
We are proud to be deaf! As for the deaf culture, I cannot speak for that, b/c I've never been a part of it, I never knew it even existed until I started doing CI researched online a couple months ago. Not even my parents never heard of it, we're small town people, way in the mountain lol. How could I know about it if no one has ever told me or parents about it? But it's no big deal to me, anyway, as I never have to worry about displeasing deaf culturists or anything.
But if you ever have deaf child that can hear well if HA, then your future child will NOT be able to get CI.
But what do you do if your future deaf child cannot hear with a HA? Do you opt for CI then or no CI and let your child grow up in silence. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, just wondering what you would do?
Nice meeting ya!
If I ever have a child, no matter, boy or girl, I would only hope he or she will be a professional skateborder! can't make your child do what you want when they becomes independent thinkers! Which is the greatest gift you can give a child to use when they are adults.

volcomskatz said:
Everyone gave me an hard time but it was my decide and no need to discuss with me... I just don't like CI, that it and you are just urge alot but it seems anti-deaf culture or not want proud to be deaf.
volcomskatz said:
Everyone gave me an hard time but it was my decide and no need to discuss with me... I just don't like CI, that it and you are just urge alot but it seems anti-deaf culture or not want proud to be deaf.
I am not urging you and why you discuss in this thread? and we were giving you a "what if" questions but that does not means we are urging you.

Then what were you trying to discuss with us? You just told us that you don't want to implant your child (future of course) because you want HA and you thought world will force you to have your child implanted. that's why we told you it is moot point if your child can benefit from HA. "moot" = useless "useless point"

Now if your child can't benefit from HA, we are not going to tell you to get CI but we will say "what about CI?" and you say no then we shut up. but some of us may ask "why not" but that does not means we wants to push you. we just want to know your reason as to why you don't want your child implanted IF your child does not benefit from HA. Then we will understand your reasoning.

Of course, we can't say "if my future child benefit from HA then no CI" it is too early to say that. That's why parents have to research and make decision and factor in everything around them. it is not like "no HA benefit ok Ci then" nope. it is "factor in everything then plan what to do"
StacieLeigh said:
We are proud to be deaf! As for the deaf culture, I cannot speak for that, b/c I've never been a part of it, I never knew it even existed until I started doing CI researched online a couple months ago. Not even my parents never heard of it, we're small town people, way in the mountain lol. How could I know about it if no one has ever told me or parents about it? But it's no big deal to me, anyway, as I never have to worry about displeasing deaf culturists or anything.
But if you ever have deaf child that can hear well if HA, then your future child will NOT be able to get CI.
But what do you do if your future deaf child cannot hear with a HA? Do you opt for CI then or no CI and let your child grow up in silence. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, just wondering what you would do?
Nice meeting ya!
If I ever have a child, no matter, boy or girl, I would only hope he or she will be a professional skateborder! can't make your child do what you want when they becomes independent thinkers! Which is the greatest gift you can give a child to use when they are adults.

Yea, I'm skateboard guy... :)

Well, I don't let them to get CI until after 18th Birthday then let them to decide but deaf people can live without get CI, such as in pre-1980's. I don't know what find out if HA isn't work on some deaf children but it need more research. HA is work so well for mild/moderate deaf and most sereve deaf too. AD seems much different from CSDR because alot of students are bash on other students that who have CI and they called students that who wear CI, then it means CIers have brain impaired because CI make them to more assit with actions. That make me laugh but some people in around La thinks that I have brain impaired because I wear CI, it's old stuff in 2001.

Skateboarders cannot wear CI or it will fall down so hard, also it's too hard for put CI on head when wear helmet too.
volcomskatz said:
because I thought that Boult is tried forced me because I don't understand what Boult said, or I can be wrong but if argue with debate then that can get on my nerves.
You could have said that to Neecy in first place because she did use the word "moot point" before I did. now you thought I tired to force you. I told you to look up the word to find out what it means.

That's why I wondered why you picked me in first place ( just because I dissed sweetmind?) so you decide to try to be a troll in my face?
Boult said:
You could have said that to Neecy in first place because she did use the word "moot point" before I did. now you thought I tired to force you. I told you to look up the word to find out what it means.

That's why I wondered why you picked me in first place ( just because I dissed sweetmind?) so you decide to try to be a troll in my face?

I feel become speechless :ugh:

Honestly, I just enjoy to play with you but some of them are serious.

I have agree with you and Sweetmind at some part.
To get back on the topic,

Let's assume a child is implanted early, and after 5 years the CI fails beyond repair, reimplanting doesn't help...
In that case the child is in the same position as a child that becomes deaf due to menigitis or another cause. Actuall, knowing total silence when not wearing the CI, the experience might be less frightning.
But the child allready learned to speak, vocalise etc.

Let's assume a child is implanted early, and after 12 years it decided that it has been deprived by the parents of the Deaf identity. It stops wearing CI and dives into sign and Deaf culture.
In that case the child has all possibilities to do so. In addition it learned how to vocalise and if needed speak with a normal voice (My daughter speaks normal when her CI is off). Sign can be learned without restrictions and Deaf culture will welcome the ex-CI'r
And like said before.. if it is a rebellious phase, CI can be picked up again and the child can continue with even more tools.

Regarding costs, there are additional costs wearing CI, but after the operation I wonder if they are higher than HA. Someone having had both can shed information about it. The comparison has to be with regard to batteries obviously, but also costs for interpreters (if they are not frre of charge). In addition there is the value of added means of communication which cannot be expressed in money.
volcomskatz said:
I feel become speechless :ugh:

Honestly, I just enjoy to play with you but some of them are serious.

I have agree with you and Sweetmind at some part.
That's because people are discussing something and you just pop in with unrelated remarks.
People then have a choice between ignoring you (- which would be inpolite) or explaining how to view that in a serious manner.
I feel that you are playing, but cannot say that to you straightforward without being politically correct. Only because you say that you "just enjoy playing" i felt that I could write this.

So, if you notice a serious descussion, read it and learn from it, or move on. But don't put in ignorant remarks. It spoils the topic.

I started an off-topic topic for this kind of stuff (which has been locked) but you can start a new one. I'll come and play with you!
Cloggy said:
Regarding costs, there are additional costs wearing CI, but after the operation I wonder if they are higher than HA. Someone having had both can shed information about it. The comparison has to be with regard to batteries obviously, but also costs for interpreters (if they are not frre of charge). In addition there is the value of added means of communication which cannot be expressed in money.

No, HA cost more over the times because HA don't last long and may needs to be replaced like every 5 years and earmold replacements varies but pretty often than HA.

and HA here in USA is not covered by insurance but CI is. CI can be replaced with Insurance in full or co-pay.

So the internal implant has 10 yrs warranty but has a shelf of lifetime.


HA may cost up to 4 thousands bucks I say up to depending on make/model/brand so let's say avg is $2 thousands every 5 years. ...

so add that up... so which cost more?

anyway check this link
Cloggy said:
That's because people are discussing something and you just pop in with unrelated remarks.
People then have a choice between ignoring you (- which would be inpolite) or explaining how to view that in a serious manner.
I feel that you are playing, but cannot say that to you straightforward without being politically correct. Only because you say that you "just enjoy playing" i felt that I could write this.

So, if you notice a serious descussion, read it and learn from it, or move on. But don't put in ignorant remarks. It spoils the topic.

I started an off-topic topic for this kind of stuff (which has been locked) but you can start a new one. I'll come and play with you!

I started the topic and so far I don't think it's gone way outa bounds. :) volcomskat if you are making a joking remark it is sometimes helpful to put in a smiley of some sort to let people know you are kidding. we don't know you so it's hard to tell when you are kidding around and when you're being serious.

I've actually been enjoying the chat. :cheers:
Cloggy said:
That's because people are discussing something and you just pop in with unrelated remarks.
People then have a choice between ignoring you (- which would be inpolite) or explaining how to view that in a serious manner.
I feel that you are playing, but cannot say that to you straightforward without being politically correct. Only because you say that you "just enjoy playing" i felt that I could write this.

So, if you notice a serious descussion, read it and learn from it, or move on. But don't put in ignorant remarks. It spoils the topic.

I started an off-topic topic for this kind of stuff (which has been locked) but you can start a new one. I'll come and play with you!
That's what I hate about trolls eh..
Boult said:

HA may cost up to 4 thousands bucks I say up to depending on make/model/brand so let's say avg is $2 thousands every 5 years. ...

so add that up... so which cost more?

anyway check this link

I have fairly new ones, sigh, they ran me at around 2000/aide. ouch. now i sit here with one i can't use and one that i do use but find i don't necessarily need. oh well. they were actually about mid line so there are some that are cheaper and some (probably 6 channel) that are closer to 5000/aide (they woudl probably also have the remote controls and all the bells and whitles)

FYI, i have spent mucho bucks on HA's over the years for me, and two of my daughters. None of my kids are even close to having enough hearing loss to qualify for a CI. On top of that the state 'protects' me by making me go to 2 different drs to get the 'perscription' to get minor children hearing aides the first time. (very nice of them epscially since at that time we were self employed paying for our own insurance so paid the drs. bill pretty much ourselves) They also made me truck back to ent to get a 'perscription' from a dr. to replace old or lost aids if so many years had gone by, didn't matter that the dispenser had the booth and was an audiologist and the test wouldn't have cost me anything. The state 'must' protect the child against unnecessary HA's. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! (like the child will miraculously regain her hearing) :lol:

I will admit that the HA dispenser we used sold aides to kids for half what he charged for the same thing for an adult, so that helped. :)
Cloggy and Boult, both of you are misunderstood.

I means that I'm enjoy to kidding with Boult in other thread since some other thread are went out of control because of Sweetmind and SxyPorkie, also both of them are my friend and not all of stuff that I agree with them though. In this thread, Cloggy, you better need to re-read on my first post because I just said let and up to their parents to implant children but I just stated "IF" and explain how what my children are doing, and some profound deaf children have benefits with HA depends on their ears because not all ears are same based on profound deaf. Boult gave me confused about his post and he don't get my point sometime. Of course, I'm against on CI and because of my concern with deaf culture then it's my views and stop argue with me.
It's not true about HA will die in 5 years but it can be good about up to 10-15 years because my old analog HA that got in 1991 and it's still good but molds must be replace, and it's not expensive for one ear. There's few insurance can cover HA and some job companies support them to get HA for free but I got HA for free because Marines paid all of it. CI is too expensive than HA does because you need buy many parts like cord, coil, tube and other thing, also you need pay for comply when visit hearing center for maintenance, speech therapy (optional) and programming. HA is just like simple thing like mold and batteries, that all but CI has poor battery life for BTE but body worn is alright with battery life, also new body worn looks like iPod shuffle. Don't forget, VR can cover HA but not always though.
volcomskatz said:
........... In this thread, Cloggy, you better need to re-read on my first post because I just said let and up to their parents to implant children but I just stated "IF" and explain how what my children are doing, and some profound deaf children have benefits with HA depends on their ears because not all ears are same based on profound deaf. Boult gave me confused about his post and he don't get my point sometime. Of course, I'm against on CI and because of my concern with deaf culture then it's my views and stop argue with me.
That was line 1.
The following lines
If I have deaf children then I wouldn't let them to get CI but I would make them to wear HA because I want them to become great football player in future without any problem with helmet.

Well, I don't need them because I'm proud be gay and single, also love to socialize with other men, also women as friend.
were just to play. - as you phrase it.

Now, can you stop it and focus on the topic.