U.S. Dodges Robertson Comments on Chavez

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Sep 20, 2003
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U.S. Dodges Robertson Comments on Chavez
AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration swiftly distanced itself Tuesday from a suggestion by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson that American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, long at odds with U.S. foreign policy.

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Even a very conservative friend of mine agrees that Pat Robertson is nothing more than a crazy, radically conservative fundamentalist. One of his comments was "I'm not familiar with this no assassination policy, but it would be cheaper to just assassinate him." Whatever happened to "thou shall not kill?" Does it not apply to him? Is political paranoia more important than the Commandments that he claims to hold so dearly.

This is the same person who said he believes sexuality is a choice, and then turned around and said he didn't choose to be heterosexual.
Pat is a crazy man and always loses his mind. There is nothing wrong with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chávez is not a dictator. He is the democratically elected President of Venezuela. The Bush administration, and right wing extremists like Pat Robertson, don't like Chavez because he is a leftist who champions the poor citizens of his country. Chavez has given free medical care to the poor and free land to poor farmers.
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