
My 11-year old cousin is into reading Twlight.
Wow... :D I am almost finishing to read a book of Eclipse! :aw:

I love to read at almost an end of book about a story of Edward and Bella at his bedroom!! :fruit:

Guess that I cannot wait watching a movie of Eclipse too! :giggle:

:giggle: Oh It gets better!!! Read Breaking Dawn, lol :giggle:
:giggle: Oh It gets better!!! Read Breaking Dawn, lol :giggle:

Ah!! I finished of eclipse a book.:thumb:

Hilarious and love read part of a story that three of them together were in the tent! & after that :shock:!! heheh!

Now I am going to the store and buying a breaking dawn book today :)
I tried to stay up watching it but i didn't finish it. it was a long stretching story. I can't say if i like it or yet. its a mixed opinion for this movie. i have to finish it first before i make an opinion for it.
i owned 4 books of twilight saga, love it i barely finish the few pages of last saga -"Breaking Dawn" ( i decided to wait til i seee all of the sagas in the movie first after finishing the book) then bought a movie series number 1 - liked it but not loving the scripts/scenes/director's budget(i'd wished Stephen Spielberg would have directed that movie.)-- had made out to be.. looking forward next saga in progress on new movie next year or this fall...
Reminder that books are fiction! :shrug: ...Not necessarily upset or angry over the non fact books!:rofl2:


Hi there.

Yep, It's only a fictional book. The anti-Twilight fans knew the "It's just a book, you know" comment. Harry Potter, Eragon, S. King Series, Uncle Tom's cabin was just a book, so was The Jungle, Mein Kampf, and so on. My point is that books have made big impacts on people in the past. I'm sorry if anti-Twilight fans (and me) are pretty annoying to you. Okay, some people told me, "Oh, well, if Twilight is so bad, then why is it so popular?" Oh, yeah, they're right! If something is popular, it MUST be good! It's pretty obvious, right? Because if you use that kind of logic, then slavery was popular in 1800's, it must have been right. Adolf Hitler was such a popular, how could he have been bad? Well, sorry, I don't agree with the "popular books = it is right and good" thought. I'm sure anti-twilight fans are just criticizing the book. You can read the book that all you want. Those people find the book entertaining is fine with us. We just don't like when they're allowed to scream their opinions, and we're told to silence ours. We believe in Free Speech, not "Freedom of Popular Opinion". You can like it and I can hate it. Secondly, those people claim Twilight is the "BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN", obviously, it's not what we agree. Not everyone love Twilight. :D

Just saying. :)
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I just finished the Twilight, the first vol book, and I think it horribly sucks... I willl create a new thread about my opinion when I have the time. :) Of course, I will update each opinion on each book; all four of them.

With that reasons, I'm so sick when some friends of mine won't shut up about Twilight and they impose their opinions on my opinion. =/ So I read it...
i got sort of addicted to Twilight. i'm Team Jacob and when i tell people this, they're mostly inclined to Edward so they bite my friggin' head off like Jacob's the Devil or something. they seem so eager to talk about Edward.... when i think Bella and Edward's relationship is disfunctional...

i work at an elementary school and the girls all have Twilight shirts and i hear them gush about Edward.... and i'm like "what the hell's so great about this a-hole?!"

maybe they think the same when i reveal my team... but dangit...

it's just Edward that gets under my skin, i love the Cullens, and Volturi and Wolfpack especially...
I have heard a lot of positive review for that movie from others. I haven't seen it myself yet but since it is generating a lot of great reviews, it wouldn't hurt for me to check it out.

Is it one of the tearjerker movies? If so, I'm in! :thumb:

The movie was great, but the books were even better. I have read all the books and looking forward to November when the second part of the Twilight movie comes out. The books had me up late at night reading, and every free moment of the day, I would read. Very addictive.
i'm more pumped for New Moon because of the actors the new director got to play the WolfPack and Volturi - Lucian, anyone?

Yeah, it's cotton candy. I have read better writing by fan fic Star Trek authors. I think her editor was using crack cocaine. Have you counted the grammar and spelling errors in those books?

The movie dumped a lot of the stuff in the book that drove me nuts... my sister likes the book a lot more than I do. The weak female lead character is very anti-feminist in the books, in my opinion. Mary Sue doesn't begin to describe it.

However, there is some funny stuff in the book (and movie)--Bella's dad and Jake, and Alice, the comic relief. :) I laughed at those parts.

I truly agree that Meyer's writing is pathetic. (Stephen King agrees! He says JK Rowling is a better writer than Meyer, and he states why.) She uses the same word 5X in a row, instead of using a thesaurus or a synonym finder, for crying out loud! Ever hear of more than one way to say something?

Exclusive: Stephen King on J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer - Who's News Blog - USAWEEKEND.com

If you want better vampire fiction in a teen book, read LJ Smith's Vampire Diaries. They are still in print and they were published in the 1990's. Or try Anne Rice in the adult section.

I can see both sides of the picture on the books/films. The useful thing is a badly written book that gets published can be studied by a writer who wants to write something better. (Although I admit she found a writer's agent who's a genius at marketing. Go figure that one out.)

LOL. :giggle: I have read better fanfic from X Files Shippers. I mean I don't want to sound like a hater cause I understand its a teen flick, but I kind of think this author is overrated... at least by her fans though. And she should learn more about overusing adjectives and how painful they are in the head especially when the subject is a glowing vampire. :naughty:
my aunt got me in Twilight as she gave me her 3 books of the series and i read it all in 2 weeks span. and i brought the 4th book Breaking Dawn it was ok.
i rented Twilight movie and watched it twice before i got my own copy.

and i can't wait to see New Moon in November.
Check out Video trailer :thumb: !!!!!!! :D

'Twilight' fans at Comic Con sink teeth into Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Lyldfq0kQOc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Lyldfq0kQOc&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I'm an anti, and I believe I said my piece on my thoughts of the books in a previous Twilight thread.

In short, Bella is a weak, whiney, Mary Sue brat who think she's better than everyone, and Edward is an abusive stalker. If I found out that sparkley pansy came into my room, and watched me in my sleep. I'd either do myself or call Dean Winchester to come, and cut off his head.

In my opinion Tom Sturridge is more attractive then Rob Pattinson.
This trailer is way more wicked! haha!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs79_5n848Q]YouTube - New Moon Official Trailer #3 (HD)[/ame]