TV help!!!!


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Mar 9, 2007
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I am currently a student doing a media studies A level course, which has recently made me interested in the Deaf culture and Deaf people's experience of Television.

Please please please could somebody talk to me about what they think about television and how it affects their lives etc...

Thank you in advance

Laura from the UK :)
I think captions on TV helped Deaf people to improve their grammar skills and get rich information from news, events, etc so deaf people wont be left out in the dark.

That s two things I can think of otherwise it s same thing with hearing and deaf.
would you say that when you were younger that television taught or influenced you in anyway in terms of your development?
Great many shows are captioned word for word, except for Sesame Street. Sesame Street tends to abbreviate the conversations.
Television isn't too bad with captioning. I just hate watching the news. Mainly, because when they go to a reporter "on site", the captioning will just stop and it won't show what that reporter is saying! I always hated it, so I basically stopped watching it, and now read the newspaper if I want news.
Most shows are CC nowadays, although there are a few shows that still aren't. Can't think of any at the top of my head though.
Because of CC, I've learned to read fast, and how to spell words properly. I've been using CC for about...8 or 9 years. (And I'm 18) So it has had an effect on me. I have found that I'm able to keep up with the fast conversations on the tv more so than my friends and parents, who aren't used to it.
