Tutorial#1 - Bypassing URL filter


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Nov 8, 2005
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TUTORIAL #1 - bypassing URL filter.

You know when you want to go to myspace? yahoo perhaps? or as usually favorite ones, porns!? but then you see it is being blocked by some program that administrator(s) are using. You'll get furious, you'll get mad, you would want to be some hxc hax0r and try to impress your friend and go out and do some haxing, you go on google and type "inurl:"bypass url filters"" and say this to your friends "THIS IS GOOGLE HACK, PRETTY COOL?" but will that work? will that impress your friends? I do not think so!

This tutorial, WILL impress your friends ;-)

Ok here what I am going to do, I'll use myspace as an example. If myspace.com is blocked on your school's computer. Here is what you can do.

1.) you could do a NSLlookup on the URL. BUT, what I do, is go to run (Start>Run) or WindowsKey+R. When you are there, type down 'command' or 'cmd' either would work. You'll see MSDOS PROMPT.

2.) ok you'll see something like this C:\DOMAIN\USERNAME (I cant remember what it was, havent been at school and used a computer for long time) but anyway, just to make it shorter (I dont like long stuff) Type this:


then press enter, it would look like this


2.) ok now lets do this. We will PING. What is PING you probably would ask, PING is a function where you see if the network's server is up. When you ping a host, it sends some data packets, if you get replies the server is up, if you dont, it may be down or there may be a problem between you and the server. Ok lets type this:

C:\> ping myspace.com

You are going to ping myspace.com, what you would get:


Microsoft® Windows DOS
©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.

C:\DOCUME~1\Cx1>cd C:\

C:\>ping myspace.com

Pinging myspace.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=242
Reply from bytes=32 time=91ms TTL=242
Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=242
D05: Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=242

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 89ms, Maximum = 92ms, Average = 90ms



3.) You see, it replies, so that means it is up! Ok you see the numbers,, that is called IP Address, IP stands for Internet Protocol. IP address is a packet-based protocol for delivering data across networks. It is like "a phone number" of the machine. Ok, you got the IP address. EITHER, you could just go: and bam! you are at myspace now!

For 8e6 users



I have wrote several of tutorials, URL bypass filter is easy thing to do. I'll be posting some more tutorials. If you want to learn about something and learn how to do it, ask me here and I'll try to write it up if I know how =)

Sweet i wish this would work for FTP's mt school wierless lan port blocks. and it a pain i the butt.
inVert said:
TUTORIAL #1 - bypassing URL filter.

You know when you want to go to myspace? yahoo perhaps? or as usually favorite ones, porns!? but then you see it is being blocked by some program that administrator(s) are using. You'll get furious, you'll get mad, you would want to be some hxc hax0r and try to impress your friend and go out and do some haxing, you go on google and type "inurl:"bypass url filters"" and say this to your friends "THIS IS GOOGLE HACK, PRETTY COOL?" but will that work? will that impress your friends? I do not think so!

This tutorial, WILL impress your friends ;-)

Ok here what I am going to do, I'll use myspace as an example. If myspace.com is blocked on your school's computer. Here is what you can do.

1.) you could do a NSLlookup on the URL. BUT, what I do, is go to run (Start>Run) or WindowsKey+R. When you are there, type down 'command' or 'cmd' either would work. You'll see MSDOS PROMPT.

2.) ok you'll see something like this C:\DOMAIN\USERNAME (I cant remember what it was, havent been at school and used a computer for long time) but anyway, just to make it shorter (I dont like long stuff) Type this:


then press enter, it would look like this


2.) ok now lets do this. We will PING. What is PING you probably would ask, PING is a function where you see if the network's server is up. When you ping a host, it sends some data packets, if you get replies the server is up, if you dont, it may be down or there may be a problem between you and the server. Ok lets type this:

C:\> ping myspace.com

You are going to ping myspace.com, what you would get:


Microsoft® Windows DOS
©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.

C:\DOCUME~1\Cx1>cd C:\

C:\>ping myspace.com

Pinging myspace.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=242
Reply from bytes=32 time=91ms TTL=242
Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=242
D05: Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=242

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 89ms, Maximum = 92ms, Average = 90ms



3.) You see, it replies, so that means it is up! Ok you see the numbers,, that is called IP Address, IP stands for Internet Protocol. IP address is a packet-based protocol for delivering data across networks. It is like "a phone number" of the machine. Ok, you got the IP address. EITHER, you could just go: and bam! you are at myspace now!

For 8e6 users



I have wrote several of tutorials, URL bypass filter is easy thing to do. I'll be posting some more tutorials. If you want to learn about something and learn how to do it, ask me here and I'll try to write it up if I know how =)


Very nice about 3)

1) and 2) I already know.

I let you to know.

C:\DOCUME~1\Cx1>cd C:\

You don't need to type "Cd c:\"
just type "cd\"

That's it!
Well kurtcs, have you ever thought of this, they could block that site too! Duh? =) Most of the time, they block web filter that included CGI proxies sites.
inVert said:
Well kurtcs, have you ever thought of this, they could block that site too! Duh? =) Most of the time, they block web filter that included CGI proxies sites.

Can be.. But not all administators know about anonymous website.. there are millions of anonymous website.. I don't think administrator is willing spend so much their time..
? um, it doesnt matter if there are million of CGI proxy websites, administrator could just block the keywords 'CGI' 'proxy' 'anonymous'
Okay, thats fine with me if you said that way.. Not in every school blocks.. Even though, they are able to use proxy without any problems.. -EOL
I run a FTP of my desktop so i can get files when im not home, and it has a login so in the adrees bar you just put in username:passsword@ipaddress i have the homelinux dynamic but that is allso blocked by the wirless lan I can get on in the lab but that is still a pain.

inVert said:
Explain more of what you meant by that
Theres one problem with your report, the link you gave for 8e6 home users is blocked by the 8e6 home filter. Can you post the info on this link please? This stupid filter blocks everything!! I tried the method you described with dos, but that didn't help. Thanks in advance.
kurtcs said:
Waste of time for going through Command Prompt, Ping, grab the IP.. etc etc.. Simply, go to www.pole.ws and then type www.myspace.com in box.. Viola!
8e6 home fliter blocks that too :mad2:

My brother (who is an pretty good hacker) got passed the 8e6 filter by going through the computers at his work website while he was at home (the filter is on my home computer, not the school's). I am guessing he used a proxy on his work site? I try to use a proxie but all the sites that have them are blocked. Is there a non-blocking site that I could go through to use a proxy?
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