Total Deafness and Tinnitus


New Member
Dec 21, 2014
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I recently lost all my hearing (from what little I did have before), and that was a few months ago. Now I have a ringing in my left ear. Is it possible I'm still hearing or do total deaf people get tinnitus too?
I did not lost my hearing completely, but I have ringing in my ears since many years, this ringing sometimes seems to be less and other times more (especially in noise free zone).
I have buzzing noise that is very annoying I'm also severe to profound loss ..
Totally deaf people often get worse tinnitus. It may be the brain's way of compensating.
I have buzzing noise that is very annoying I'm also severe to profound loss ..

Yeah tinnitus is very annoying and to think I can hear that but I was not able to hear my daughter whistle as a baby. She taught herself how to
whistle at one year old and never heard it . My oldest sister told she was whistling.
Oh, so I'm not imagining it. I was so freaked out for a second there. Thanks guys.