Tinnitus and SSHL


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
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This tinnitus is driving me nuts:dizzy: Ok a quick refresher on me since it has been a while since my last post.

about 10 years ago I was a young idiot with a go-kart sized car and a truck sized stereo system.....yes I was one of those guys and I stress WAS. I didn't realize the damage I had done until several years later my wife is pestering me to get an exam because I don't ever hear her. I went and had as high as 40db loss at certain frequencies. I got HA and they helped. At that time the tinnitus was low, it would only bother me if there was no other noise. Fast forward some more years and you arrive to my current situation. In the last year I have had 2 surgeries on my knee and have been on various drugs because of it. I have looked up Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and ototoxic drugs. I know that the drugs I have been on have a very low chance of causing this type of loss but the symptoms are dead on. I've been on percocet, ativan, morphine sulfate (opiate similar to percocet), anitbiotics (can't remember which but I remember it was on the list), and warfarin. With the number of drugs I have been on and the length of time for some of them I am pretty certain that my recent decline in hearing is attributed to the medicines. I need to stop procrastinating and call the audi for an appointment but as it is the middle of the night and I find myself unable to sleep and in pain I need to reach out to others that are in my boat.

The sudden drop in hearing loss from what it was to what it is now is not as bothersome as the tinnitus..... well at least not to me. The wife is going nuts because in the last 5 months the TV volume has gone from 24 up to 36 to get the same level of hearing and even then my ability to distinguish between the sounds has dropped. What is annoying me the most is the tinnitus has cranked up so that as I am listening to the TV there is a constant ringing. If I turn off the TV the ringing is so much worse. It is to the point that it is giving me headaches that the percocet doesn't even touch. Before the drugs caused issues my rate of hearing loss progression was so minor that I hadn't noticed a change in the previous 2-3 years. So I kinda slacked off on the ASL but now with this recent rapid decline I may very well get to the point that even a HA won't help. I may need to pull out my ASL material and brush up on what I had learned then go from there.

Who else has had ototoxic issues? Was there anything that brought back some of the hearing? Did the tinnitus get worse, if you had it at all?