thoughts is the root of everything?

I think "The Secret" is ridiculous, personally. They claim that the "law of the universe" is that like attracts like. Any science class will show that it's completely the opposite. Opposites attract. The only scientific thing I can think of that would be close is the "like dissolves like", and even that is because of opposites attracting.

Someone gave my mom that book when she had cervical cancer, and she felt like it was kind of rough that the book was basically saying that she must have given herself cancer by thinking about it, somehow...

I don't believe in the Secret either. But I do take something from it. I do think that thinking positive helps with the healing process, whether youer healing from disease or trauma or whatever else. Although I don't think negative thoughts give us disease, I do think they can slow our healing process.

The opposites attracting you're talking about relate to magnetic poles and electrons/protons and so on, but I think the attraction they're talking about here is different. It's the same attraction that happens when you pluck a guitar string and the piano note of the same pitch resonates with it. Now whether that speaks to how the Universe works, I don't know if that's necessarily the case, but I think there is a distinction between magnetic attraction and resonating attraction.
not just diseases but also war, because it is the weak minded whose get greedy and use the positions (and whats left of their brain) to abuse their communicative means to the evil ends


agree and disagree.

Who ever takes the time to think things through, at that moment, when most actions are impulses, based on emotions? The Fight or Flight thing.

However, when the whole of the world is looked at through human perspective, and groups organised to "think up" a plan to better that certain bad situation, you wind up with an organisation that cannot come to an agreement quickly and concisely. How can you when human perspective is a wide variety of minds and levels of intelligence, along with human emotion that is mixed in. One will think that his way will better the world. Another think that her way will be better.

So who is correct?

It is all based on the thought process, scenarios will be run through their mind to find the best solution again and again, each one different from the last.

There is no set way we are to follow, its all based on choices we make.

Hmm may not be what you are looking for?