This May Sound Crazy


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Feb 12, 2006
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But I would do anything to be in the shoes of someone who is deaf. I have a very bad problem with sounds. I cannot be around people at all if they talk. I have something that's supposedly called "Soft Sound Sensitivity." I cannot stand to hear words with the letters P or C. P is the worst sounding letter ever. Here are the words I hate: Pie, Pine, Pioneer, Pile, Alpine, I-Pod, Pay, Pain, Paint, Pan, Apart, Part, Party, Praise, Popular, Pot, Pocket, Pom Pom, DuPont, Progress and I think you all get the idea. There are other words that bother me, but I can't think of them right now. I've had this since I was about 7 years old. I just turned 34 and it's worse than ever. It only gets worse rather than getting better. I can't work due to it, I am on disability. I have attempted suicide a few times in my life due to this. It is making me crazier and it's slowly killing me. I rarely leave the house because I'm afraid someone will try to talk to me or around me. I can't watch TV unless the closed captioning is on and the sound is off. I was misdiagnosed as having hyperacusis, but I don't have that. I am still very suicidal almost every day because of this. I would love to be able to not hear ever again. I'd rather be deaf or dead. I know this sounds weird, but unless you suffer from it, you have no idea how bad it is. I've tried to get help but nothing has worked so far and I doubt it ever will. Because I can't work, I'll probably end up on the streets one day after my mom dies. Unless there's a job where I don't have to be around people at all, then I can't work. It's not "won't" it's "can't."
Wow, this is the first time I ever heard of something like this before, but I'm sorry for all the things you're going thru, I don't know what it like to be in your shoes but to me, I would do anything to be able to hear some sounds, but imaging what you're going thru it's hard to understand it all, but may I ask you if you ever seen a doctor about the condtion to being senstive with the nosies or people talking int he back ground....It's does seem to me that you may be sensitive on the things you're hearing that been bothering you alot.....

I really do not want to see anything happen to you, the last thing I expect someone to end their life because of the things they're going thru, but if you try to see a doctor maybe they can help you somehow....

Again I'm really sorry to hear you are unable to go outside because of being able to hear the sounds from the outside world....

My prayers are with you dear, and I do hope you decide to come back and be able to talk about this more, maybe there some suggestion or advice that can make you feel better about yourself or maybe there is someone out there who going thru the same thing as you may be able to help you in some way.....

Btw, Welcome to Alldeaf and I do hope you enjoy your stay here.....Please feel free to discuss anything you want, we will try our best to give you some advices on how to make you feel a bit better some how....

Hang in there :hug:
Thank you. Yes I have seen plenty of Doctors and nothing has helped. I would gladly trade places with someone who cannot hear. I know that sounds odd, particularly here on this board. But it's true. See it's not always good to be able to hear. At least not for me.
Jen said:
Thank you. Yes I have seen plenty of Doctors and nothing has helped. I would gladly trade places with someone who cannot hear. I know that sounds odd, particularly here on this board. But it's true. See it's not always good to be able to hear. At least not for me.

I'm sorry that there no one out there to help you, have you ever thought of ear plugs? to keep you from hearing the noises?....

I hear that ear plugs really help people who works in loud factories , usually it help them not to hear anything from the use of it.....

Have you tried to see if a doctor who can provide you the best ear plug they got?...
I started using earplugs about 12 years ago. I did not know that they could (and do) make this worse. I think that's why it got so bad.
Aww I'm sorry.....I dunno what else to tell you, :(
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Jen!

I must sympathize for the condition you seemingly have been embattling for most of your life...also sensing that after numerous of attempts with doctors to no avail, with this 'Soft sound sensitivity' as it is supposedly so named, isn't there any 'specialist' you've seen and what suggestions have any of these doctors or specialists you've seen have recommended to lessen this condition? Wearing ear-plugs for long periods of time, I can't fathom that would cause the condition to be worse...but that's just from my own perspective. Also, when reading such words that begins with those 'letters' you've mentioned, does that bother you as well?

Please do not give up hope or despair, there HAS to be some sort of relief for the condition you're in, even though, staying home, avoiding the 'sounds', etc., may help somewhat, but you do have a 'life' and you do deserve to live peacefully and I really do hope you'll find some sort of means to overcome this condition. My thoughts and prayers will be with you tonight....

AD'ers? It would be most appreciative if any one of you may have some good advices or suggestions that she (Jen) could turn to for help....

Please DO hang in there and don't ever give up 'hope', even if you've may have lost 'hope' in and out over the years--this may be the 'internet', but this online forum consists of a community where members do reach out and care! ;)
What happens when you hear the sounds? Nausea? Emotional reactions? Seizures?

I can imagine this mus be debilitating. I do hope you continue to seek treatment for it.
Hello Jen and welcome to AllDeaf. I am sorry about what you are going through but I want to say like what others said about do not give up hopes. If you need to talk about it then we will be here to listen. You will be in my prayers too. Hang in there :hug:
Jen... have u considered CI? i dont know, people say it destroys "remaining" hearing.. and just gives some kind of hearing that the person has to learn to use. Maybe it'll destroy your level of hearing.. and make you hear sounds at a tolerable level. Just a wild suggestion! You should discuss with your doc abt this before doing it for health reasons.
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf Jen!!!! I am so very sorry to see what you're going through when I read your intro. I pray that someday soon, you will be able to find a doctor who is familiar with your problem, and will be able to help you, so you will have much more ease being around people again. Along those notes, welcome aboard, and we are all here whenever you need to talk!! Have fun posting!!
Hi Jen
I have a little smilar problems to yours.. I cannot clearly understand consonants sounds so conversations are always a nightmare for me.. I've always hated the life I'm living and have had suicidal thoughts ...It's because my hearing impairment 'stole' my life from me.. I will be 31 in March.. There is still no positive progress.. I hated my life,family,school and the people around me sometimes.. Hearing world has always become trouble for me.. I've felt as if I'm living in a prison made of glass.. I'm fed up with my isolation.. YOU'RE NOT ALONE.. anyway,don't forget that there are many other worlds other than hearing worlds.. The life isn't simply hearing world.. Try to 'discover' new worlds around us..They're expecting you...

Jen said:
But I would do anything to be in the shoes of someone who is deaf. I have a very bad problem with sounds. I cannot be around people at all if they talk. I have something that's supposedly called "Soft Sound Sensitivity." I cannot stand to hear words with the letters P or C. P is the worst sounding letter ever. Here are the words I hate: Pie, Pine, Pioneer, Pile, Alpine, I-Pod, Pay, Pain, Paint, Pan, Apart, Part, Party, Praise, Popular, Pot, Pocket, Pom Pom, DuPont, Progress and I think you all get the idea. There are other words that bother me, but I can't think of them right now. I've had this since I was about 7 years old. I just turned 34 and it's worse than ever. It only gets worse rather than getting better. I can't work due to it, I am on disability. I have attempted suicide a few times in my life due to this. It is making me crazier and it's slowly killing me. I rarely leave the house because I'm afraid someone will try to talk to me or around me. I can't watch TV unless the closed captioning is on and the sound is off. I was misdiagnosed as having hyperacusis, but I don't have that. I am still very suicidal almost every day because of this. I would love to be able to not hear ever again. I'd rather be deaf or dead. I know this sounds weird, but unless you suffer from it, you have no idea how bad it is. I've tried to get help but nothing has worked so far and I doubt it ever will. Because I can't work, I'll probably end up on the streets one day after my mom dies. Unless there's a job where I don't have to be around people at all, then I can't work. It's not "won't" it's "can't."
Interesting your story..

Hopefully one day, you'll come and cure these pains goes away!

by the way, welcome you stay AD and let's breath away!
Jen said:
I have something that's supposedly called "Soft Sound Sensitivity."

I read some more about this problem and all I can say is God bless you - this must just drive you fricking crazy. I read that a lof of people have trouble with hearing eating and breathing sounds from other people. I can't say I relate exactly, but I have noticed certain times when I can't stand hearing my Mother's jaw pop, or hearing someone sneeze or cough occasionally makes me have a very emotional recation. I jut hope you keep working on it with your doctors and do research on new treatments and ways people have learned to cope with their symptoms.

Don't give up hope.
G'day Jen,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll find something here that'll help you. Do not give up on seeking solutions to your problem.
Cheers! :wave:
understand completely

I am a hearing with major loss and have always hated nosie and more so with the loss coming quicker and I have even taken EASL as I am so Deaf ortinated

Wish I had an answer for you...

Hi Jen.
I'm so sorry... At lesat know that I will pray for you.
Is there anyway at all for doctors for take away your hearing?

I know we can only imagine what you go through...