This is Disgusting!! dogs suffers for this idiot man?!

Nasty. *shudders* Gee, nobody's learning from it because this is just too sick! What a waste of time dissecting the poor dog. There are ways to see how intestine works without dissecting the animals. I wonder why the dog was going to be euthanized? :confused:
If the teacher wanted to show how the organs work, why not experiment on himself or his own body as a guide?
that was INCREDIBLIY SICK and that to me is animal cruelty! that shld never have happened if they had done it on a cadver it would be a different story not on a LIVE dog while its organ would work look at one student it made her sick... hell he should have not gone thru that should have gotten parents permissions FIRST before doing it not just doing it to do it u know?
That's awful! They shouldn't dissect on live animals. I though Biology class worked on dead animals.
If this doesn't desensitize the kiddies, nothing will.
I can't believe this. :shock:

I agree with all of you. This guy needs to be charged with animal cruelty.

Above, someone asked why the dog was going to be put down. I don't have a definitive answer to that, but I suspect that the dog was a stray, and had been living at a pound. Where do you think schools get their animals from? Some get their fetal pigs from bio companies, but the cats come from pounds, usually. Of course, NORMALLY the animals are already euthanized before they are handed over to the schools. This is the first time I've heard of a life animal being used in a HS dissection. Just sickening.

Oh, and Beowulf.. I agree with you. If this doesn't jolt the hell of out of somebody, then you better start thinking "Serial killer in training.."
Thats just SICK! I guess they dont know about the thing like they do on people, where they put non toxic ink in you and have a machine like an xray to where you can see the organs functioning.
Principal Anderson said he supports the lesson and it will be allowed to continue because the students are learning.

I'm surprised that I haven't seen this on the news or read in newspaper. That is so cruel and sick! :mad2: :rl: