The Walking Dead

Am I the only one that is disappointed that they didn't show Lizzie killing Micah?

No, I don't think it's necessary. They did show bloodied and dead Mica behind her sister. If you look so closer enough, you should notice there was some bloods on her pant and her shirt. A bloodied hole on her tummy...

That's pretty much telling. But, you gotta remember not everyone can stomach child deaths that easy.
I thought the episode was awesome on so many different levels....did not see the girls deaths or Carole coming clean about Karen and David....:eek3: the show just tackled everything in one fell swoop....unreal. I'm am surprised it was Lizzy feeding the walkers because she's not that tall and the height was closer to an adult...but if we're being realistic, why has no one run out of ammo and everyone keeps finding loaded guns?
But, I still don't get it why there are three buried ones. Hmm...

The third one might be the walker that Lizzie was "playing tag with" and Carol killed.
Wirelessly posted

DeafDucky said:
But, I still don't get it why there are three buried ones. Hmm...

The third one might be the walker that Lizzie was "playing tag with" and Carol killed.

I just re-watched the episode again, there was actually already one buried at the farm home before they arrived there. I can see faded and dirty baby shoes on the wooden cross. Apparently, it was on for being time.

I suppose that raising a child in an acoplycose is not easy...
I thought the episode was awesome on so many different levels....did not see the girls deaths or Carole coming clean about Karen and David....:eek3: the show just tackled everything in one fell swoop....unreal. I'm am surprised it was Lizzy feeding the walkers because she's not that tall and the height was closer to an adult...but if we're being realistic, why has no one run out of ammo and everyone keeps finding loaded guns?

It was like watching George shoot Lenny all over again (Of Mice and Men).
Lizzie took offense at Carol's defense,
She thought none of it made any sense,
She said "walkers are people and need to be fed
that's why I have 30 rats hidden under my bed"

Carol thought she was protecting a young life,
But that didn't stop Lizzie from getting a knife,
She waited for Tyrese and Carol to leave,
Not knowing how much they would actually grieve.

With an arrogant smile she took a knife,
and with it she took her sister's life,
She'd feed little Mica a rat for dinner,
She didn't want Micah getting thinner.

She had always wanted a zombie baby,
Not right now, tomorrow maybe,
Judith's life she would take too,
But not until she watched Micah turn blue.
Lizzie took offense at Carol's defense,
She thought none of it made any sense,
She said "walkers are people and need to be fed
that's why I have 30 rats hidden under my bed"

Carol thought she was protecting a young life,
But that didn't stop Lizzie from getting a knife,
She waited for Tyrese and Carol to leave,
Not knowing how much they would actually grieve.

With an arrogant smile she took a knife,
and with it she took her sister's life,
She'd feed little Mica a rat for dinner,
She didn't want Micah getting thinner.

She had always wanted a zombie baby,
Not right now, tomorrow maybe,
Judith's life she would take too,
But not until she watched Micah turn blue.

Do you think Lizzie was delusional before the apocalypse?
a pro-lifer... terrifying :Ohno:
Lizzie was a pro-deader (kind of like you)

remember the episode where a cop came across a barn full of zombies kept alive by pastor? guess who that reminds me of.
Interesting how this thread is starting to become politically charged.. Have fun with that. Anyway, I'm still eagerly awaiting Judith's demise, kill the kid off already I say.
Interesting how this thread is starting to become politically charged.. Have fun with that. Anyway, I'm still eagerly awaiting Judith's demise, kill the kid off already I say.

not politically charged. it's a question of belief.
not politically charged. it's a question of belief.

No, I think you're the one pushing it political. Let's keep this thread just about the show and stop with the personal jabs.
No, I think you're the one pushing it political. Let's keep this thread just about the show and stop with the personal jabs.

Yup, No hitting below the belt or kicking in the rear on the way out !
i missed two times in a row. I sort of lost my interest because i wanted to finish the complete of 8 seasons charmed. eh.
Here lies Micah blue and sad,
She must have made her sister mad,
Because Lizzie took a heavy axe,
And gave little Micah 40 whacks.