The road to be smoke-free.


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Nov 7, 2005
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I thought it would be great to have a thread where we could discuss the addiction of nicotine. This could also be encouraging for us former smokers and current ones to be in the know to help each other out. It could also be helpful for these who wants or wish to quit smoking. We all know the dangers and complications associated with smoking. We don't need all the lectures of how bad it is. We know how bad and awful it gets. This isn't meant to put anyone down but to know that nobody is alone in this. With every kind of addiction, relapses usually happens. How do we avoid relapses?

I belive it would be benefitual to educate each other with our testimonies and such. The best advice I was given is; Do not ever take one puff. Later, I learned that after taking the first puff, it only takes 7-8 seconds for the nicotine to travel to your brain and it releases the dopamine (the feel-good pleasure chemical). This is why it is easily addictive. Not only it stems the physical part but it also involves the emotional triggers and lifestyle habits.

I remember when I was stressed out to the max, I would be thinking "Ohh, I need a cigarette to calm me down and soothe my nerves." So, I would take a puff and be fooled that it really feels soothing for a couple of minutes. In fact, it doesn't help. It worsens the stress on your body.

With lifestyle habit, It became a habit without really thinking about it. I used to smoke out of boredom, driving in the car, after I eat my meal, or if I see other smokers smoke, I would smoke too. After I quit 10 months ago, it was a mental challenge to change that lifestyle. Not long after I quit, I remember when I got in the car, I subconciously was looking for a pack of cig in my purse and then I was like "Wait a minute, I don't smoke anymore." It felt a bit weird but eventually, I got used to it lol.

For those who are on the road to become smoke-free, I say, Kudos to you and take it one day at a time! :)
Thanks for this thread!! mmmuuuaaahh!

After eating and getting in the car are the two hardest parts for me. I've been doing pretty good the last couple days, but those are still problem areas for me. I'm thinking about getting an electric cigarette just for those moments. Also i really really really hate how close the gas station is to my apartment. I could stand in front of my door and throw my cat (ok a ball) into the gas station parking lot. That's how close temptation is, blah.
Thanks for this thread!! mmmuuuaaahh!

After eating and getting in the car are the two hardest parts for me. I've been doing pretty good the last couple days, but those are still problem areas for me. I'm thinking about getting an electric cigarette just for those moments. Also i really really really hate how close the gas station is to my apartment. I could stand in front of my door and throw my cat (ok a ball) into the gas station parking lot. That's how close temptation is, blah.

Anytime, girly!

I don't know what it is like to use these electronic cigarette but I've been told by some others that it does help them, except that it kind of tastes funky. Perhaps you could pretend the gas station is some kind of a evil place and that you're not to go in there or something? lol

Gums are a godsend for me lol cuz without it, I don't think I would have made it through. I kept chewing on gums every time I had a pang coming over. I know, what might works for me doesn't work for other.
I was a smoker for 9 years (and I know people smoked longer than I did) it definitely wasn't easy. I tried cold turkey, that wasn't working, tried the gum didn't care for it. Then I decided to try the electric cigarette (theres tons of different ones and brands out there online) and while I was aware that it wasn't meant to help you quit smoking but rather supposed to be a smoking alternative. I was basically inhaling flavored water vapor and I had control over how much nicotine I wanted, which was nice. Eventually I went to 0 nicotine. I noticed foods tasted so much better, my nose was picking up scents better, I could breathe! The best part was I didn't feel chained to tobacco anymore! One day I parted ways with the electric cigarettes, and didn't feel any withdrawals.

I'm now 3 years smoke free :) I wish you guys the best! it can happen!
Thanks for this thread!! mmmuuuaaahh!

After eating and getting in the car are the two hardest parts for me. I've been doing pretty good the last couple days, but those are still problem areas for me. I'm thinking about getting an electric cigarette just for those moments. Also i really really really hate how close the gas station is to my apartment. I could stand in front of my door and throw my cat (ok a ball) into the gas station parking lot. That's how close temptation is, blah.

You need to tongue wrestle a guy to get your mind off cigs. Of course could not be me since I am an ex smoker and learned to hate them. You probably have ashtray mouth. I know from experience it is not fun kissing ashtrays
My hubby just quit about a month ago and he is chewing gum like crazy! I hope he makes it!
I noticed foods tasted so much better, my nose was picking up scents better, I could breathe! The best part was I didn't feel chained to tobacco anymore! One day I parted ways with the electric cigarettes, and didn't feel any withdrawals.

I'm now 3 years smoke free :) I wish you guys the best! it can happen!

That's fantastic! There's one thing I've noticed after I quit, I was able to breathe better and with that, it has increased my energy. I didn't feel tired as much as I used to.

My hubby just quit about a month ago and he is chewing gum like crazy! I hope he makes it!

I hope he makes it too. The first month is usually the hardest but after that, it all takes a mental challenge. Good Luck to your hubby!
I know I am not included in this thread. BUT i can say that I am so happy about two of my friends who are trying to stay clean for 6 months and the other 3 months.i know it is not healthy of me to be a second hand when I am around them. Unfortunately, the other two of them who are heavily smoker so they are struggling to cut down on it. four of them who i hang out with a lot.
That's fantastic! There's one thing I've noticed after I quit, I was able to breathe better and with that, it has increased my energy. I didn't feel tired as much as I used to.

I definitely don't miss it! Enspecially seeing the price go up on them! I remember only paying like $3.45 a pack. now I think its $6 a pack here in Cali, but NY has it wayyy worse, I believe they pay $10 or $12 a pack! That could go towards gas! lol

I'm really proud of myself, they say tobacco is just as addictive as heroine... I totally believe that! (never did it, but I can only imagine)
I fell off the wagon and quit quitting. Having at it again, I'm on day 2 and no cheats!! I'm wicked motivated now, so that helps. I have my nicotine lozenges and I just picked up one of those ecigs just for when I'm drinking my coffee in the morning....I can't eat or drink anything with a lozenge in my mouth so I can't feed my nicotine and caffeine addictions at the same time in the morning haha.

Plus I got this thing. I'm going to be bribing myself and I think seeing progress will help my even more. It's my quit smoking jar, my cigs are $4 a pack, and I was smoking a pack a day. Everyday i don't buy a pack I'm going to put $4 in the jar. When I have enough I'm going to get my teeth whiteden (not that they're that bad I use whitening tooth paste) or another tattoo, we'll see. But I think between my crutches and my bribery I got this shit!!! I made my first deposit last night before I went to bed, I'll be making another one tonight no doubt!! :D


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Thank you, Jollie for this thread...Started smoking around 11-12 years old, saving my lunch $$ at school for cigarettes....all my friends and family smoked....It was considered "cool"...

Now, many, many and many years later....I've COPD and water in the Lungs (fluid)....several of my friends are now on oxygen...I've a chronic hacking cough....

I've quit many times...longest was 9 months...and went the electronic cigarette way also....always failing and failing again...tried the Gum and Patches also....

The worst thing for me to see is a TV commercial of a Lady who smoked and had throat cancer...lost her teeth, hair....and others losing circulation in their legs and feet and having them amputed....It's a powerful testimony...and I have to get up to avoid watching it....

Smoking is a horrible addiction, a foul smelling one too...ur house stinks, you's costing you several hundred dollars a month... not to mention the meds you will have to take when you're becoming short of breath...My Spirivda is so expensive, and so are the inhalers...

If I can say anything here to's just to never, ever take that first puff of a cigarette...and believe that Pot smoking does damage to your Lungs also.....

My friend was a Beautifician in a Beauty Shop...she inhaled the hair dye and nail vapors on a daily basis and she smoked also...she died of Lung Cancer...was on oxygen before she died...and the addiction was so bad. that she would take out the oxygen tube and smoke a cigarette....

Good Luck to all that is trying to quit....never give up!
Ladysolitary-- I am doing the e-cig at 0mg. It really works, except I am carrying that cig in my left hand and taking a gulp every five minutes-- much more than a real cig. I have a few nicotine cartridges, but getting to hate that bite at the back of my throat from the nicotine.

It does work.

Don't forget the fact that nicotine reduces circulation to the ears.
Ladysolitary-- I am doing the e-cig at 0mg. It really works, except I am carrying that cig in my left hand and taking a gulp every five minutes-- much more than a real cig. I have a few nicotine cartridges, but getting to hate that bite at the back of my throat from the nicotine.

It does work.

Don't forget the fact that nicotine reduces circulation to the ears.

What model (or brand) is your e-cig? My advice is to just explore and seek out different flavors that hits you the best, that helped me a lot. Feel free to PM me if you'd like for places I'd recommend.
Good luck to all of you.

it is very hard for me to witness someone who struggles to breath well. :(
I fell off the wagon and quit quitting. Having at it again, I'm on day 2 and no cheats!! I'm wicked motivated now, so that helps. I have my nicotine lozenges and I just picked up one of those ecigs just for when I'm drinking my coffee in the morning....I can't eat or drink anything with a lozenge in my mouth so I can't feed my nicotine and caffeine addictions at the same time in the morning haha.

Plus I got this thing. I'm going to be bribing myself and I think seeing progress will help my even more. It's my quit smoking jar, my cigs are $4 a pack, and I was smoking a pack a day. Everyday i don't buy a pack I'm going to put $4 in the jar. When I have enough I'm going to get my teeth whiteden (not that they're that bad I use whitening tooth paste) or another tattoo, we'll see. But I think between my crutches and my bribery I got this shit!!! I made my first deposit last night before I went to bed, I'll be making another one tonight no doubt!! :D

How are you hanging in this so far, Ambrosia? It takes weeks to get adjusted to this lifestyle change. On the side, a lot of determination too, lol.

Today marks my 1 year anniversary of being smoke free! Yahoo! :D
I smoked regularly the first few months where I had started smoking.
Now I only smoke a few times a year, if that.
Typically a pack of cigarettes will expire long before I can even smoke half of it.

It was tough to break the habit during the first few months but a number of different things motivated me:
1. I moved (No more stinky smoker smell)
2. I washed all of my clothes before I moved (oh sweet smell of cleanliness!)
3. I only allowed myself to smoke outdoors on the street (nowhere near a door), required that I change clothes after I smoked, required that I shower after I smoked...
Eventually smoking became such a hassle that I went back to my other less sinister bad habits, like cracking my knuckles, playing too much games, etc.. hah!

and also
4. A carton of cigarettes can set you back about $10 in NYS, thanks to taxes.
5. I was at a point where I had to choose between food and cigarettes after moving.
How are you hanging in this so far, Ambrosia? It takes weeks to get adjusted to this lifestyle change. On the side, a lot of determination too, lol.

Today marks my 1 year anniversary of being smoke free! Yahoo! :D

That's awesome!!

I was doing great for 3 whole days, which is actually great for me as sad as that sounds......but then I got extremely upset, got my heart ripped out of my chest....again!!! MEN!! and yeah I caved. Getting back on the wagon though and going to start making deposits in my quit jar again, I'm not quiting quiting yet ;)
Your mileage may vary... but I managed to quit by getting myself addicted to nicotine gum instead lol.

I ended up quitting that because I was going broke.. every time I had a craving I just told myself.. "don't be a stupid wimp..." and went to find something else to do. I guess bullying myself is the only way that worked for me -_-
I swear half my problem is I always decide to quit while I'm in the middle of stressing out about something else lol.