The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVII

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Snow have you! Wow! Snow I want.
Who has snow? I'm jealous because I miss snow.

I only enjoyed it because I got to do some donuts and spin out on my car, but now I'm suffering the consequences this year. Rotors got rusted and ungrindable, pads are done in 10k miles. :(

Oh yeah, I also enjoyed doing the moonwalk, so darn easy on black ice! :D
The last time I was in Colorado I walked out of my condo onto some black ice, fell with heels above my head and landed smack on my wrist and fractured it. I came up shouting profanities and the person I was with was a church person and she was like C******** shut up! You can't be talking like that!! I showed her my wrist and she was like "nevermind" It was swelling up and bruised. It was the last day of our trip so instead of going to the ER, I caught a bus to a drugstore downtown and got a ACE bandage and wrapped it up and put it on ice. I got back to AR and went to the doctor here. He said it was a fracture but nothing was seriously out of place. I had to wear a hard brace for about 6 weeks so it could heal without getting moved out of place. Stupid black ice set me back around $600.
we got snow here too, but it's nice and sunny out so I'm hoping more of the snow will melt away!
Good girl! Now please do not bake any cookies, cakes, or pies. Do not fry, saute, or grill any meats, fruits or vegetables. This also includes mixing, stirring, tossing, and folding.

Take you a break and catch up on your rest.

Also take the break from exercise so that your body can fully recuperate. You can resume once 2011 arrives.

As for the 5 lbs., that should be your cue to take a break as your body can no longer maintain itself from all the work and stress.

Sallylou, I generous say you can have all my snow. Already calf-deep. For next 178 days. We will get waist-deep or more.

Daylight current at about 8 hours. Will reach 3 soon. Sigh.
Wow, Sunshine! I was thinking along the lines of Colorado snow.

That was posted late last year I believe when you were sick and still pushing yourself, if I remember the context correctly. Although reading it again reminds me of Dr. Suess in need of a Prozac, LOL.
Listen to Dixie, Shel. She offers good advice that you just can't take. :hmm: I should listen, too. :P
Last night my Deaf cat managed to slide under three inches-high opening space under my dresser. :eek3: It shocked me cuz I did not think he can do it.

He realized that he got stuck so I had to lift the heavy dresser to let him go out. I hope he learned this lesson hard not to do it again.
Last night my Deaf cat managed to slide under three inches-high opening space under my dresser. :eek3: It shocked me cuz I did not think he can do it.

He realized that he got stuck so I had to lift the heavy dresser to let him go out. I hope he learned this lesson hard not to do it again.

Or it could become a good game if he thinks you aren't giving him enough attention. :lol:
Yuh huh. That's why I've got 5 of 'em crazy pouncers.
I got 2 and will be getting a third possibly in another 8-9 months or so. Waiting until the house is finished.
That was posted late last year I believe when you were sick and still pushing yourself, if I remember the context correctly. Although reading it again reminds me of Dr. Suess in need of a Prozac, LOL.

Just surprised that it was brought back from the dead.
Listen to Dixie, Shel. She offers good advice that you just can't take. :hmm: I should listen, too. :P

I wish I could easily take that advice but with my teaching job, we dont have lots of personal leave due to being off for the summers and winter break. Also, I have to take care of my son....cant ignore that .

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