The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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I wasn't angry when I made my original post. Just stated my opinion.
yes. #1 applies to you. You misspoke.

As far as H.A. and your post in regards that she was "provoking admin & mod" there may be more that we don't know about. She may have had PM conversations with the mods that were provoking and got her banned. I don't know.
perhaps! I wouldn't know because I was :zzz: and then I had a terrible nightmare. Can you believe I actually cried? (just a couple of tears came out) It's rare as Chuck Norris. I think I was mourning for my loved one. :dunno:
Cleaning, laundry, and waiting for a friend to show up.:lol:
Exactly and we don't know and it's pointless to make assumptions because that is what they are--assumptions.

Okay--moving along--what's everyone doing today?

I'm actually no longer :mad2: because I had my coffee fix and breakfast. Now i'm just catching up on AD, talking to one of my best friends via AIM, and then some serious web programmings later on. :cool2:
yes. #1 applies to you. You misspoke.

perhaps! I wouldn't know because I was :zzz: and then I had a terrible nightmare. Can you believe I actually cried? (just a couple of tears came out) It's rare as Chuck Norris. I think I was mourning for my loved one. :dunno:

Are you in love with her?
:naughty: a friend with benefit, I see! I suppose your son's out for today! :naughty:

My son lives 90 miles away.:giggle: I'm free as a bird!

Yeah, friend (long term) with benefits, but we are also going to cook a meal together and watch a movie.
My son lives 90 miles away.:giggle: I'm free as a bird!

Yeah, friend (long term) with benefits, but we are also going to cook a meal together and watch a movie.

what meal and movie? :drool:
yes. #1 applies to you. You misspoke.

I actually disagree with that. Yes, I should have changed one word as I said earlier, but the whole overall concept of my entire post remains the same.

Moving on as Brydie suggested. I'm actually going back to bed for a while. I wanna take a nap before I tackle more homework!

By the way, Brydie, how did the move go ??
Agreed. One can have a strong opinion without anger being involved in any way. I do it all the time.

Me too.

And, enjoy your day with your FWB (friend with benefits) ;)
what meal and movie? :drool:

Haven't decided yet. We always discuss what we feel like, and then go to the grocery for supplies. As far as the movie, I have a huge library, so whatever sounds interesting at the time.
Hear Again is banned until 15th @ 11PM Central Time for "provoking admin & mod." Apparently - according to her email -
Thanks for the answer but tell me more, what did really happened ? I still don't understand the whole problem. *red*
Are you in love with her?

I have no idea who I was mourning for but I think it was my future wife who died in my dream :dunno: Get this - my dream was apocalyptic. Don't you love it when my brain subconsciously pieced completely random things together -

1. my post about "as a responsible citizen, I pay tax and I own a gun"
2. Maria's constant "doomsday" posts
3. couple of scenes from Terminator 4 - The Salvation (trailer)
4. couple of scenes from Cloverfield

I clearly remember why I woke up. I was shopping with my ex (we're back together now but somewhat) and things were happening. So I went back to this place where I stored my gear and gun. There were few guys and I saw my bag (with my gun and gear) on the table. Apparently they want my stuff and I want it back. This guy refused to give it up so I fought with him... :mad2:
I actually disagree with that. Yes, I should have changed one word as I said earlier, but the whole overall concept of my entire post remains the same.
oh ok no problem. let bygones be bygones. moving on! :coole2: it's a beautiful day out and no need to waste the whole day on this issue.

Moving on as Brydie suggested. I'm actually going back to bed for a while. I wanna take a nap before I tackle more homework!
By the way, Brydie, how did the move go ??

Actually not too bad. Sweetie made it to the other side of the mountains with all of our things while I'm still on the coast until the end of the month.

Then I will make the transistion to eastern Washington.
Thanks for the answer but tell me more, what did really happened ? I still don't understand the whole problem. *red*

I don't know either. Don't worry about it. It's long gone. She'll be back on 15th so sit tight! :cool2:
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