The hardest breakup I've ever experienced

Hardest break-up I had went through

I was dating girl online from WI. We went through couple of hard times. Then in April 2003, I was vacationing in South Carolina, I receive e-mail from that girl who said that somebody is breaking up us. I was like :wtf:

We managed to stay together for other 2 months before we decided it's time to let relationship go. After that, she never was really nice to me. Then I realized she lied to me about her connection to NASCAR. :liar:

It was harder decision I had to made to leave that girl. We went back together twice but things fucked up.
Whoa, not a nice fellow! I belive you did the right thing in distancing away from him, and looking to school. Stay strong. Be yourself and believe in what is right for you!
As long as you are still young, you still have plenty of time to find a true love in your life time. :) keep your chin up.

The hardest thing for me to be without my husband in my life.. wow. i already been there and never want to do that again w/ my hubby. whew!
aw I'm sorry to hear that...Some relationships never meant to be....I believe sometimes in life we may meet the wrong people and later find out she/he isn't the ' one ' for us....Be greatful that it didn't go any farther as ' marriage '...You are still young and have a whole life ahead of you, you will find the ' one ' you've been looking for! :D