The End, Deaf short film

just load it... pause it.... and go eat your dinner while it buffers up
I did finally get to see it. I'm not sure about the subject, but I thought the film was well done.
just finished the video. Gotta love how they preach about free will and choices and yet.... they don't actually believe in it. There's a simple, insidious way to force their agenda into people - make their life choice harder which will eventually lead to them choosing the option they wanted for them.

That's exactly how I feel about a certain few posters in here :cool2:
That why im willing to find out more about the treatment.

Are you serious? You do realize that the movie is fictional, don't you? I hope so, especially when they started interviewing the people from the future and the last Deaf man in Britain hahaha

You're a funny, funny guy!
Are you serious? You do realize that the movie is fictional, don't you? I hope so, especially when they started interviewing the people from the future and the last Deaf man in Britain hahaha

You're a funny, funny guy!
I meant i want to find out how much for the treatment as it mentioned in the film that they expensive and also how it work. That's all i want to find out.

Perhaps not good to get treatment because in the film it say there are alot of disadvantages about the treatment.
I meant i want to find out how much for the treatment as it mentioned in the film that they expensive and also how it work. That's all i want to find out.

Perhaps not good to get treatment because in the film it say there are alot of disadvantages about the treatment.

um.... it's fictional.... it doesn't exist
I meant i want to find out how much for the treatment as it mentioned in the film that they expensive and also how it work. That's all i want to find out.

Perhaps not good to get treatment because in the film it say there are alot of disadvantages about the treatment.

I like you. :aw:
I've read elsewhere that scientists are looking at stem cell treatment as a treatment for deafness, so this film is not totally fictional.

BBC NEWS | Health | Stem cell 'deafness cure' closer

This film is still fictional. Scientists are also researching time travel but that does not make the film a documentary. While I understand your point (and it's a good one), the film is still fiction.
I hope in future none in the film will ever happen in real life cos it hearing getting their way without being too pushing in public, they do it more in private side. I doubt it will happen in 100 years cos there so many types of deafness and you cannot cure them all with 1 cure.
Wow, the realism was great. Felt real. Great cinematographic handcraft.

What I didn't like, was it was a bit too predictable.

Downs syndrome is probably going extinct in a near future, and looks like people don't care. This is a bit risky, IMO.

By becoming more similar to each other, we make it easier for the nature to get rid of us in just one move. Diversity in species increases survival.

So we can say that deaf people are a gift from the nature to increase the survival of homo sapiens as a species.

You are a gift!
Stem cell will NOT work for all, some like myself will NOT even get it, for reasons of medical history that would take me a long long time to explain, I've already had Cochlear Implant, that caused many problems and has now been extracted.

Thats life 1 cap doesn't fit all...
Yep true, one size do not fit all. So many hearing people seems to believe that one side fits all.