Technology to assist during a Hospital Visit


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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Hello Group,
I am a Information Systems Manager at a small rural hospital. Recently we had a patient who was deaf. They requested a TTY device. We have one and took it to the patient. They were able to have a basic conversation with someone not at the hospital. Sometime during the day the patient had a visitor with more experiance using TTY and told us we were dialing the wrong number with the TTY.

What is a good brand of TTY device? Do they have some with better features?

Unfortunatly I was not at the hospital and was not able to discuss this with the visitor or patient.

We have had a medical interpreter here for them, but they have to drive 90 minutes to get here.

Our nursing staff believe this patient will be here several times over the next few months.

We are looking at a video conference system, but the last price we had for that was very high. Someone is making a killing off of that simple technology. We are going to explore this again.

So, I need some advice...
I have some money and staff to assist with the project. I can't believe with all of the technolgy available that we should be able to increase communications with this (and other) patients, family and visitors.

In a perfect world (Hospital) everyone whould have skills at sign language. Unfortunatly, that is currently not the case.

In a perfect world (Hospital) what could I do (as an Technology Guru) to make your experiance as a patient, family member or visitor better than any other hospital?

For our current patient, they are not very technical. They don't have a PC at home, don't use email.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Yes, there is a product available that will do exactly as described! If I posted it here, my posting will be deleted, as I just wanted to help and not advertise! Send me a PM.
Judy, thanks for the weblink. That tool would solve one piece of the puzzle. It would allow face to face communication between two people.

We will investigate that technology.

But I want more. I want to WOW the patient and family. Others, please send me idea's.

TTY is outdated and just find a video relay service companies and go from there unless there is no high speed internet at all in your and patients locations.

You would just pick a VRS company and apply for the equipment and the Deaf patient can apply for one too.

Some VRS companies will offer and install equipments in busniess and home location for free too as long it frequecy use by Deaf people.

No computer needed or techie knowledge, you would need to provide your own internet access like High Speed DSL or Cable and some of the equipments like a TV set too.

But other VRS companies charges for the equipments or offer a free download software to use in your own computer with a webcam.

Just Google the word video relay service and you will find some answers about VRS and you can compare them.

VRS can be use for point to point call - patients calling directly to your video phone (but you need to know how to sign) or Deaf to Hearing (using the VRS relay service and probably easier for you)

But still I would apply to have one install in hospitals so patients and families of patients can call out too.
