Stupid things


New Member
Feb 11, 2006
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I thought it would be fun to see some of the stupid things we have done. I was stationed at Wildflecken Germany.

Above is a crude drawing of the area I am speaking about. If you stood on the main road in front of the mess hall you can see the ski hill where they used to train troopers to ski. Now on the drawing below it gives you a side view of the hill in which we trekked a VW Beetle car hood that we swiped from the junk impound lot up by the runway to the summit of the hill.

and I use that term summit with some conviction as this hill was VERY high. . There were about 5 of us. We took turns of 4 going down the hill, yeah...I said turns. And one of us would stay at the bottom in case we needed an ambulance. Actually we needed some mental help because when I think about it now, it was suicide. Anyway if you were standing at the bottom what you would see would be unbelievable. You saw the hood with 4 idiots on it sliding off the cliff and in an instant it turned into a blur, it disappeared when it hit the first landing and it continued it exploded off the landing in a hige puff of white powder again in a blur but this time no one was on it. Well, they were trailing pretty close behind the hood. They were literally airborne with legs and arms whaling all over the place, yelling and screaming. That hood had to sail at least 300 feet before it started it descent downwards into the briar patches below. I wouldn't be surprised if it were still there embedded into the earth about 3 feet like a lawn dart. It took about 4 times to realize that there was no way 4 dumb asses were going to stay on a slick piece of steel doing 190 mph down two hills at a 60 to 70 degree decline. There were definitely G forces working that night. Oh yes... I didn't mention that... We did this stunt at night. But it was fun.
Dangerously as the ride(s) in the wellness of the night, with only the glittering shadows lurking about on a cold wintry summit under the soft glow that the moon flickers from high in the sky do loud shrills of nerve-racking idiotic noises break the silence between life and death ending with a limb awkwardly plastered against the white carpet and faces getting whacked out in the coldness of the snow buried into...only to repeat it with such adrenaline and craziness all over....such a rush!! :lol:

Yes, it's :crazy: ! But thanks for sharing that with us AD'ers! ;)