Strange Things Your Pet Likes To Eat?

We found out accidentally that our dog loves pizza!!...he stole pizza off our plates on the coffee table...i mean both of ours! I had to go to the bathroom, my hubby got up to get some more pop in the kitchen..came back and the pizza was gone!! LOL! oh he absolutely loves pizza!..haha
Strange Pet Food!

I have a 9 year old Solomon Island Eclectus. He and I often share a can of sardines! He takes a bite and then I take a bite. His favorite food is macaroni and cheese! He also loves okra, corn and kiwi.

I thought you might like to hear about this, since a Solomon Island Eclectus is an unusual pet. They are a parrot from the Australia/New Zealand area, the males are green and the females are red and purple.
My dog liked cat chips. She'd make a mess with it in the hallway and our feet usually finds out first. Solved the plm with a new litter box for the cats that keeps the dog out.

My cat, Bear.. he have alot alot of respect.. can you image in any other cat would love to drink milk, tuna, or cheese or anything like that make cats crazy.. but Bear just don't do those... i was like.. Bear? gee Bear is a CAT period but he don't come to milk or tuna or anything like that.. all he is eating cat treats, cat food and water.. that's it oohh wait.. he do kills small bugs that's his other treats!... eheh
My cat is a glue sniffer and licker... I have left envelopes, or lint remover thingies, tape... anything with glue is like catnip for her.
Weirdo said:
My puppy like to eat carrot and grapes. She's weird.

I read this info. somewhere on the internet and it says NEVER feed your pets grapes or raisins because it can lead to death. My dog loves grapes and I did fed her some of it until I read that information that scared me and I stopped.
Roam4Life said:
I read this info. somewhere on the internet and it says NEVER feed your pets grapes or raisins because it can lead to death. My dog loves grapes and I did fed her some of it until I read that information that scared me and I stopped.

EEK! I didnt know that. I thought only chocolate is bad for the dogs.
whitemoe said:
My old dog, Duke used to ate grass for some reason :dunno:

Almost all animals eats grass, did you know that?? It helps them to puke for some reason.
Yea, ive heard about it but my duke never did it till we moved to maryland.. Maybe it was that Maryland's grass are better tasting than Indiana's?
i have three dogs myself one of em would eat grass and i asked my mom about this and she said it helps the dogs if they have upset tummy so they eat grass
I miss my family dog who died when I was 16 years old in 1996... Our family male dog was cocker spaniel and was named blondie. He was very overprotective each one of us... He would vacuum the food off the floor. When we gave him the dog food, then we back off for a bit then try to take the food away from him, you would be hell scared from him, cuz he growled, snarled at us then hurrily try to eat the food fast as he can and walk, push the dog can try to avoid us getting it... His favorite food was ice cream, he wouldn't never lick the ice cream unless it was too big but mostly we take a scoop of ice cream and drop front of him, he would catch the ice cream in his mouth and swallow the whole damn thing, then you'd see his whole body having a chilly moment. The only thing he hate is the hot sauce, one time we tried to put a little hot sauce on ice cream in a bowl and gave to him, he would almost go ahead eat ice cream but the smell of hot sauce stopped him for awhile until if one of us tries to come near the ice cream, he would grr at us then chomp the ice cream... result? licking 2 water bowl and alot of pee....
I forgot to add one last comment... when my dog is sick he would eat grasses, so we wouldn't mow the backyard but that doesn't happen very often... after the dog eat grasses, we would have to watch him for awhile until he's ready to vomit.. his vomit make me wanna throw up too!
Roam4Life said:
Me too!! Here is the link.. .. Check that out. It will tell you what you shouldn't feed your pets. At least you know now than never! :)

Roam thank you for the Link..

We tend know chocolate and xmas stuffs and Poinette (plants) were on list but other list Hmm that's new for me to know.. I will share this with my mom too. She and I adore dogs big time :D

Pet store has selling of dogfood chocolate treat.. which it's new...

I went the super pet store and spotted the dog food chocolate treat and asked is that okay for dog ? The staff said.. yes.. it's very safe and no dangerous.. I forgot what kind of the name title for treat dog.
Yep! My old cat, Snowwhite LOVES mashmallows! And fried rice and scrammled eggs. I can't remember what else. I do miss that cat! I have a few cats that does eat werid but I can't remember what.

my dog liked to eat bumblebee, whenever the bumblebee fly around she would jump up and eat it.

But anyway her mouth was swollen everytime, cause of bee sting :ugh:

what a dumb dog i had. :Oops:
Our dashund went crazy over carrots, lettuce, and cheddar cheese. It was easy to give him his pills--we just put it in a cube of cheese, and he would eat it right up.

One Christmas, I got a pound bag of regular M&Ms. We left to go to my in-laws and after we came back home discovered that my dog (who only weighed 15 pounds) had eaten the whole bag--the bag was all ripped up in many pieces and all of the M&Ms were gone! He didn't get sick or anything and lived for another 12 years! But because I had heard that chocolate was bad for dogs, I made sure never to leave any laying around after that.

Not related to food, but our dog was really protective of my two boys when they were babies. Anytime they cried while they were in their crib, my dog would get me and run to the crib. It was so cool. It was a problem though when people came to visit, our dog didn't like having them close to the baby!