States I've visited

I traveled to 16 different states. :)
RedRum said:
Only 4 states - Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York!! :|

Forgot to add one more state MAINE! 5 states altogether. :|
I only have been to Hawaii, MD (passed thru) but I reckon it does count, eh?, Gettysburg, PA, Rochester, NY and does DC count?
Only landed in Illinois and California to exchange flights *sigh*
I plan to expand and visit more states next year ;)
I have visited 11 states, 21%. Mostly all southern. I am a beach-goer and I have visited all states that have beach.. :)
Red~Rum said:
Forgot to add one more state MAINE! 5 states altogether. :|

Soon, I will add one more state to my list - Hawaii this summer!