Something create for a new ASL


New Member
Mar 29, 2006
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I have been though and search for some words for sign language but I could not gauge nor find these words for sign language. How about we could discuss about it or some of you know sign language and please let us know what you know, it would be appreciate if your vLog with ... continue
I have created a few new sign concepts for ASL. A long time ago during the 70s. I learned ASL quickly at a deaf school when I was 7. At the time, I only knew how to talk by voice well. Anyway, I noticed the alphabet concepts A to Z. But for the Z letter. I said that does not match with the rest of the alphabet. So I created the new Z. Ok, to try this, use the letter "D" concept then move your first finger that was pointing up down and point out but with the 2nd finger still on the thumb. Does that look like the "Z" letter??? I invented it!! But no deaf want to accept it. I tried to encourage them to use it.

Then years later, I went to Central America on mission trips. I learned quickly on the Central American Sign Language and I am one of two artists who drew sign concepts for the Central American Sign Language book. It is published.

Well, I learned a lot of new interesting concepts that even ASL does not have so I adopted the Central American SL into ASL. Today, I use American-Central American SL. A mixture. Deaf here understands what I say and I will be teaching my wife the language I use. Why? Some sign concepts are quicker than ASL as well as like I said, some concepts we do not have in ASL. Say.. for example. ah, ok, here is one good example in a sentence. You know in ASL for "God bless you." That is three sign concepts in ASL. In Spanish, it is, "Dios Beniga" It means God bless you. In Spanish signs, it is two concepts--"Dios Beniga" That is the one I uses here. At first people would not understand it then I explain then from that point on, they know what I say. I use much shorter and faster concepts than ASL. I know I am a motormouth as you all can see that.

Ciao! (signing in Spanish)