Someone Please Explain...

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Birdlady!!! I am sorry that you have a hearing loss and you are trying to adapt to it. It is not easy when you lose your hearing. With time you will get use to it. That is good that you have a TDD to communicate with the relay operator and to type directly to your deaf friends who have TDD. Also that is good that you are learning to sign ASL(American Sign Language) and hopefully your husband and family will help you better if they sign with you. I hope your husband will understand what deafness is like as he never has any experience what is like to have no sounds at all. I am deaf from birth and I am 62 years old. Enjoy typing away to all of us, deafies. Okay? :wave:
I 56 yrs old and I have lost my hear to a brain tumor on the left side.Had it removed in 07, the right side I wear a hearing aide.But if i had been caught earily in my age.I would not have this problem with talking right. I say what I see..Does that make any sence to you. and spelling is a big problem. But I wish they would of introduced me to hearing and sign before I lost the hearing I had. I still have 30% in the right ear,but any noice and I am gone. I have a TTY which helps but ,It is hard.I hate stearing at people and then my husband apoligises for me..It makes you feel like a out I am trying to teach myself to sign. my husband an di jester, wave hands point at things, you know wave to mouth I am limited..I also have a ballance issue with the tumor gone..

Hello! I cant imagine what it must be like to lose hearing at that age but it seems that you are open-minded about using whatever tools to help you with communcation.

I was born deaf so I never knew what it is like to hear but I was raised without sign language. Life was difficult for me because of that. ASL made my life so much better.

Hope u enjoy it here!
I 56 yrs old and I have lost my hear to a brain tumor on the left side.Had it removed in 07, the right side I wear a hearing aide.But if i had been caught earily in my age.I would not have this problem with talking right. I say what I see..Does that make any sence to you. and spelling is a big problem. But I wish they would of introduced me to hearing and sign before I lost the hearing I had. I still have 30% in the right ear,but any noice and I am gone. I have a TTY which helps but ,It is hard.I hate stearing at people and then my husband apoligises for me..It makes you feel like a out I am trying to teach myself to sign. my husband an di jester, wave hands point at things, you know wave to mouth I am limited..I also have a ballance issue with the tumor gone..

Welcome, to AD, birdlady. You are going through a big adjustment. It will help to talk with people who can understand your struggles.
Oh do I know where you are coming from! *m*

I also had Meningitis at the age of 2. What is worse is it took everyone a couple of years to realized that I was HOH. My parents thought I was just disobedient!!!:pissed: I was fully mainstreamed, never had anyone to talk to about my difficulties (certainly never the culture) I look back now and it feels like everyone just ignored it. Now, at age 36 I feel myself lost because I do not know ASL, no deaf friends. My heart goes out to you!!:
I also had Meningitis at the age of 2. What is worse is it took everyone a couple of years to realized that I was HOH. My parents thought I was just disobedient!!!:pissed: I was fully mainstreamed, never had anyone to talk to about my difficulties (certainly never the culture) I look back now and it feels like everyone just ignored it. Now, at age 36 I feel myself lost because I do not know ASL, no deaf friends. My heart goes out to you!!:

It is never too late to learn ASL and make friends with others like u. Despite my hearing loss being identified at the age of 7 months, I was still put in a full time mainstreamed program with absulotely no visual cues at all (no terp, no CART..nothing) the hell I learned is beyond me.

Now, i am fluent in ASL and I use it daily.
I also had Meningitis at the age of 2. What is worse is it took everyone a couple of years to realized that I was HOH. My parents thought I was just disobedient!!!:pissed: I was fully mainstreamed, never had anyone to talk to about my difficulties (certainly never the culture) I look back now and it feels like everyone just ignored it. Now, at age 36 I feel myself lost because I do not know ASL, no deaf friends. My heart goes out to you!!:

:welcome: to our Deaf world in AllDeaf forum, lilraysofhope!!!!! That is why this is the best place to come to AD so that we can talk anything about our deafness, Deaf education, Deaf culture, ORAL(which we all despise, maybe not all), deaf relationship, etc. So you are not the only one. Almost all of us are left out or feel lonely and need to talk about something relate to our deafness. So feel free to type away anything you want to say on the threads. Welcome aboard. :wave:
I know that feeling and I didn't became Deaf until 2 and half from Bacterical Meningitis also. I told my mom the only voice that I remember hearing on the phone for the last time I talk to my grandmother before I became deaf.

I know some people out this world can still be cruel, but all I know that I can do is ignore what other people think about Deaf Culture and I AM PROUD TO BE PART OF IT.
I am so amazed, taken back about how

many of us had meningits as toddlers. We all seem to have such similiar stories. :grouphug:
many of us had meningits as toddlers. We all seem to have such similiar stories. :grouphug:

Not just here on AD but in the Deaf community as well too.

No, my deafness is not due to meningits..due to genetics but I was raised the same way as u.
many of us had meningits as toddlers. We all seem to have such similiar stories. :grouphug:

No, not many of us have meningtis as children. All of us have different disablities like diseases, or just being born deaf which I was born Deaf. Like Shel90 said in her thread that you and everybody, especially me, are similiar as being deaf. Just accept and be proud of being Deaf. :cool:
Lilraysofhope, sorry about encouraging you to be accepted being deaf all the way and be proud of being deaf. I am crazy as an old native woman who is very proud of being Deaf and love it. Also love ASL, too. I apology to you. ME:crazy: