Softball,helping at special school


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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I am playing on a softball team and most of us have hearing impairments. I think it is so cool because i am not the only one with a hearing impairment. There is a couple kids on the team that does not have a hearing impairment.
They have cool hearing aids too. There is a boy on my team that is deaf and he also doesn't talk much, he signs mostly. It makes me feel like I have a place to play softball and accepts us all for who we are and this softball team is for kids and young adults with physical disabilities, and mental disabilities. Playing softball makes me feel good inside. We are all so special. I am also been volunteering at a special school and helping in a class that is for kids that are low functioning, and the kids have autism and there is a couple kids that don't have autism. There is a 6 year old boy that has a hearing impairment in both ears and he wears hearing aids, every wednesday when i got to the school and went to the classroom. I put his hearing aids in his ears. I help him,he also is functioning at i heard about 15 to 18 months. He has problem with walking,he does walk on his toes. He wears braces on his legs but still has alot of problems with falling down alot. He only says hi,bye,and his name,mmmmm,mama,baby.and some other words also but not many words. He also gets so excited and he shows it by laughing and moving his arms. I love all these kids, i will be helping next school year in that same class. In that class the teachers use sign language with them. They sign some. It is so exciting to watch these kids learn new things. The boy in that class also puts everything in his mouth. So you have to watch him all the time. The teachers said that he is not aloud to have any books or,anything that can be chewed up. He does play with other toys.

The teachers told me that i am a good help, i am a hard worker. I work very hard. They also said thank you for all your help. This is something i am good at. I finally found something i am good at. I never gave up my dreams. I am thankful to help at this special school, and i love working with kids with special needs. I have said that is what i wanted to do with my life, i was talking about this in high school. Now i am doing this. It is volunter work, but at least i am doing what i love doing. It is a start, so when i do get a job, i have already experience in working with kids with special needs. I also have special needs. I have a hearing impairment also.
Very cool! Maybe when you finish school, you could be an aide for students with disabilities!!!!!!!!!!