so who is the hottest girl on this board?


Active Member
Premium Member
Feb 27, 2003
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thats a real hard one, all of the women in AD are gorgeous.

but unfortunately for the women, im the only hot man in AD.
I am voting Cheri for hottest chick on AD. There. I said it. I can't take it back. Cheri is blond, beautiful and a mommy on top of that.

Kevbo.. r u dreaming chick.... NOT!!!
You always obession texas hold'em poker only..
FYI.. I'm playing on texas hold'em poker on line under
waiting for tourney game starts.... :D
Not play money.. IT'S REAL MONEY... *wink*
catmandu is insanely gorgeous

if u pick Cheri u have to pick ^Angel^ also, i mean duh their twins

Rebel is pretty beautiful too
AJ said:
if u pick Cheri u have to pick ^Angel^ also, i mean duh their twins

OK - I VOTE CHERI AND ANGEL - because, well, two hot blond twins - wow. Who could ask for more?
:D I pick Angel!!!! She is beautiful, has personality and very caring. My decision is Angel.
MorriganTait said:
OK - I VOTE CHERI AND ANGEL - because, well, two hot blond twins - wow. Who could ask for more?

add Catmandu, Rebel and u got urself a 4 course dinner.
:cheers: I wanted to pick Cheri too, but, I wasn't sure if we could do that.

So, I really want to say Angel and Cheri, for the same reasons.
They are beautiful, smart, nice and caring!!!

I'm not voting because obviously I don't know enough to vote who is the hottest or who is the best of anything. But I wanted to ask a question and make a suggestion:

Are ya'll voting based purely on physical attraction or does "hotness" covers all areas (personality and looks)? Because I believe that hotness should be a WHOLESOME thing and not limited to one area. I mean - everybody has their own definition of what hot (physically is) but if you based it on that - it's going to lead everybody to believe that this person is hot because she has long eyes...etc. Do we really want to put that image out?

Maybe I'm thinking too hard and this is supposed to be a fun thread but I just wanted to put that out there :)
deidra said:
I'm not voting because obviously I don't know enough to vote who is the hottest or who is the best of anything. But I wanted to ask a question and make a suggestion:

Are ya'll voting based purely on physical attraction or does "hotness" covers all areas (personality and looks)? Because I believe that hotness should be a WHOLESOME thing and not limited to one area. I mean - everybody has their own definition of what hot (physically is) but if you based it on that - it's going to lead everybody to believe that this person is hot because she has long eyes...etc. Do we really want to put that image out?

Maybe I'm thinking too hard and this is supposed to be a fun thread but I just wanted to put that out there :)

:hug: Way to go deidra!!! That is exactly right!!! I like you style of thinking!! :D
CODAchild said:
:aw: Thank you so much AJ!!!! You're always so nice!!!! :aw:

its easy to be nice when AD is full of sweethearts like urself
GalaxyAngel said:
I'm ugly dessert for you.....

:nono: :nono: Don't even go near there Galaxy!!!! You are truly beautiful, kind, supportive and is always there when a friend needs you!!!

Pffffttttt ugly my foot!!!! :ugh: