Signing to my dog


New Member
Aug 22, 2015
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Hi! My name is Molly, and I hope this is an okay place to ask this... If not, I apologize!

My little terrier Maggie has lost her hearing over the last year or so, and I'm trying to learn how to sign to her. I'd like to choose a name sign to use for her, and I'm a little lost.

If it helps, she's a smart, spirited little Westie, and kind of a princess. I often call her Little Maggie and Magpie, in addition to just Maggie. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
I sign to my dog all of the time. He understands the ASL signs for walk, sit, stay, come-on, sleep and play. He may understand others, but since nothing else really matters to him, I can't really tell.

How about this for a name sign: M-W-M-W-M-W-M (fast). The movement should get her attention and you are incorporating the M in her name. Dogs are attracted by motion, so she should certainly see it when you do it. If you use her name now (assuming she has some hearing), she will associate it pretty quickly. Then, if she goes completely deaf, she will still know you are referring to her.
The poster's name is Molly... not the dog. The dog is Maggie, and fingerspelling Maggie is not really going to get the dog's attention if that is her goal.
No worries! You wouldn't believe how many people call us by each other's names! Anyway, thanks for the advice. Maggie is a smart little dog, so I'm sure she'll start to pick up signs pretty quick.
animals pick up sign very quickly most of top trainers use weeny bit even to hearing dog