Should Your Child Be Spanked at School?

I was spanked and I turned out fine. My kids were spanked and they turned out fine. Spanking is not for everyone but it also may be the only thing that works in some cases. If the parents approve of it and there are rules to govern how and when its done with a witness in place then I am fine with it. Spanking if done properly is not child abuse. My opinion!
Wirelessly posted

Whenever the issue of spanking comes up anywhere, there are always people who say that they were spanked and turned out just fine. Well, that's true that the majority of people will grow up to be normal.

But the evidence says that spanking increases the chance that the kid will grow up to be violent.

Think about it. Smoking increases the chance you'll that you'll get lung cancer. Does that mean everyone who smokes will get lung cancer? No. Plenty won't.
Driving drunk increases the chance of an accident. But does everyone who drives drunk get into an accident?
Eating red meat increases your chance of getting colon cancer. Does everyone who eats red meat get colon cancer?
Tanning increases your risk of skin cancer. Does everyone who tans get skin cancer?

Spanking can have negative side effects: it increases the chance that the kid will become violent. Why take that risk when there are alternatives?
My mom growing up in Ireland, would get wacked across the knuckles just for using her left hand. Sh had to learn to write with her right hand. If someone did that to my kid, I would be a craxy mom!!!!!!