Should I tell them??


New Member
Sep 16, 2005
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I don't know if i should tell my parents i'm bi. I wanna tell them but i'm afraid they will freak or even worse disown me. I really don't know how to tell them if i should tell them or anything i could really use some help :ty:
If your parents are against gay and lesbains, you wouldn't bother telling them about you.
Up to your decision...
you feel ready to tell... Your choice.. If they disowen you.. their loss..
One day They turn look back and want you back... my baby!
I don't know if their against it or not i'm really not sure and i wanna date this one girl but than i'd be afraid to bring her home or ever have her over.
Here is an interesting article I found for you:

I have never had to come out to my family because I have never been in an exclusive committed relationship with a woman - meaning something like deciding to be married. I have had several long-term relationships with men and women that my parents were not aware of - what I would tell them about boyfriends is the same as what I would tell them about girlfriends. I just happen to have married two men.

Funny thing is, my parents would be as accepting of my being bi or lesbian as of my being straight - which is, my Mom would act like and idiot and embarass me just the same no matter what, and my Dad would pretty much not care because he barely knows me anyway.
Whenever ur ready to courage to spit out of ur closet. It might be tear them up, or they take it well. They one thing understand that u need to be happiness weather where u or u wants to be.
thanks yea if i don't have them i have everyone else all my friends know and they are ok with it so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna tell them. unless i chicken out thanks guys :ty:
If I have an only child, I would be pissed off with him or her, because I want grandchildren, I don't want no sperm bank grandchildren or adopted grandkids....

I would show my emotion about how I feel, but I won't kick out the child out the house, no, but rather complain and whine and all.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
If I have an only child, I would be pissed off with him or her, because I want grandchildren, I don't want no sperm bank grandchildren or adopted grandkids....

I would show my emotion about how I feel, but I won't kick out the child out the house, no, but rather complain and whine and all.

Homophobia is also the reason many of us stay in the closet. Myself included.
sequoias said:
If your parents are against gay and lesbains, you wouldn't bother telling them about you.

This is why I haven't come out yet. My parents have really narrow minds, and I can't see myself coming out about being bisexual while they are still alive. Its hard.

As for what I would do, I would weigh the pros AND cons of your decision carefully before doing it. There are many positives to being out and proud of who you are, but many people who do come out, end up paying a price for their openess. This is why many gay/bi/lesbians end up estranged from families and choose a family. It's easier to choose and be comfortable than it is to put up with the hysteria they are often faced with in their biological families.

Whatever you choose to do, just remember it's important to be WHO YOU ARE, and to find acceptance whereever you can.

I wish you good luck!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
If I have an only child, I would be pissed off with him or her, because I want grandchildren, I don't want no sperm bank grandchildren or adopted grandkids....

I would show my emotion about how I feel, but I won't kick out the child out the house, no, but rather complain and whine and all.

what's wrong with the sperm bank? All you have to do is pick what you want the baby to look like .. you and your imaginary guy that you always wanted but could never get him to f*** you... Then order samples from the bank.. impregnate yourself.. then 9 month - baby will come out looking like you and the guy you cannot have. I surely don't see anything wrong with sperm bank!
in my opinion, dont have to tell them :dunno: similar with who u have sex with ur bf or gf, who broke ur virgin e.t.c.?? I didnt either cuz its my personal, I am the way of keeping in secrets/quiet well :D
sooner or later, they will find out
be happy for urself, hope they understand and still love u, be there with u :)
As a Black person, I searched for my family roots, and it is so hard because of this slave mess.

And sperm bank is so unfair, won't know who your real daddy and his roots.

Oceanbreeze, you can tell your parents that, because it wouldn't matter anyway cause you said you don't want kids.
Miss*Pinocchio you are not welcomed here. it is my choice if i wanna date a girl and get a baby from a sperm bank when i'm older. hell i'm only a teenager so get off my back. see my aunt is a lesbian who is out of the closet and everyone excepts her so i'm thinking why not tell them plus i'm sick of dateing jack a** guys i'd rather date girls right now
Lil_country_gal said:
Miss*Pinocchio you are not welcomed here. it is my choice if i wanna date a girl and get a baby from a sperm bank when i'm older. hell i'm only a teenager so get off my back. see my aunt is a lesbian who is out of the closet and everyone excepts her so i'm thinking why not tell them plus i'm sick of dateing jack a** guys i'd rather date girls right now

do ur parent know she is? how they treat her u will know the same they would do to u :)
Lil_country_gal said:
i'm sick of dateing jack a** guys i'd rather date girls right now
Hey - good for you for knowing what you want, and good luck with your parents. If you decide to do it, let us know how it goes. Don't feel you have to tell them - just do it when the timing is right and you are ready.
FreeWoman77 said:
do ur parent know she is? how they treat her u will know the same they would do to u :)
My parents know and they treat her like a normal person but my grandparents along with them try to just dismiss it i mean her gf of 10 years has become part of the family it's just my parents would question me and not wanna believe me.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
As a Black person, I searched for my family roots, and it is so hard because of this slave mess.

And sperm bank is so unfair, won't know who your real daddy and his roots.

Oceanbreeze, you can tell your parents that, because it wouldn't matter anyway cause you said you don't want kids.
You'll have a chance to meet the father of the child when the child reaches at age 18... only if he wants to see what his product looks like. Another thing, you can request for the father's medical history/ family background (ask for the long form), etc.. from there you can find more about his family roots and all .. except his name.
Ms P, please stop making all excuses trying to wiggle your way out.
eyes i agree and

ms p u have made good questions but when u bias urself ur not letting others make sound advices to the thread starter please refrain from that. u can state ur reasons but don't need to go on and on abt ur crapola of this and that... u said yr peice now let it go. go to another thread!
Mainly important is follow your heart and feeling either you want your parents know the truth about you or not.

To me, I beleive to tell the parents the truth about you ONLY if you have good retainship with them. Tell them when you feel ready on right time.