searching for a deaf or hard of hearing woman for serious relationship

Cats don't like ice cream. I cannot use ice cream to teach cats to clap. Try salmon.

My cat loves Ice cream. :D It's milky, and cats like milk usually. ( Even though it's not the best for them. :P )
Another one. It's obvious he's never dated before.

*nods* I used to get all these deaf guys IMing me back in the day, DESPERATE for a girlfriend.That's something that those out of touch TODs don't see/understand.....that just b/c a kid can speak it doesn't mean they'll automaticy have unfettered access to the hearing/mainstream world......Oral TODs seem to think a social life (for a dhh oral/mainstreamed kid) is "gosh a rootie! Let's go down to the malt shoppe in Bill's jalopy after Bible study!" Unfortuatly, that's not usually the case....Middle and high school are HELL....
To the OP......we understand.....Many of us have had social issues and or were mainstreamed....why not stick around and get to actually KNOW people here,instead of randomly putting your phone number out there for the crazies?
Must be a joke anyway. Look up says it's a landline, so at least anyone trying to text it isn't going to be bothering whoever the victim is.
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:laugh2: Botts looked it up! She's all over you like white on rice! Watch out! :D Still though, the fact it came up valid.... :ugh: Kind of makes me want to call it and speak to him in my oh so soothing voice. With enough practice, I might be able to be one of those talk sex chicks! :ugh: Like that thread a while back, my deaf voice could be someone's turn on! :D :laugh2: