Sarah Palin signing ILY - cool

He is not but in some cases, parents and educators use ASL to communicate with hearing children who have congnitive disabilities. I have seen it in many special ed programs for hearing kids when I work at public schools during the summer. It works. :)

interesting! :ty: I wonder why is that
interesting! :ty: I wonder why is that

Same reason as why people are starting to teach hearing babies sign language ...the fine motor skills needed to create speech sounds take a lot longer to develop than the large motor skills needed to create different signs.
interesting! :ty: I wonder why is that

Cognitive disabilities impair a child's ability to communicate (through speech). Therefore, other means such as ASL need to be used in order to facilitate communication.
Cognitive disabilities impair a child's ability to communicate (through speech). Therefore, other means such as ASL need to be used in order to facilitate communication.

That too! I knew I forgotten something else. :ty:
Same reason as why people are starting to teach hearing babies sign language ...the fine motor skills needed to create speech sounds take a lot longer to develop than the large motor skills needed to create different signs.

Cognitive disabilities impair a child's ability to communicate (through speech). Therefore, other means such as ASL need to be used in order to facilitate communication.

most interesting. :ty: again
Her son is only 5 months old, and for the last month she has been trying to learn American Government. I doubt she has taken time to learn ASL in the process.


And explaining to a 3rd grader the role of the V.P. which incidentally was way off!

I think she is 30 years too late. Maybe she was part of the "No Child Left Behind Act?" :giggle:

that's gonna leave a mark


When I first started reading this thread I thought 'everybody know's the ILY sign' and I see y'all agree, too. What is important to me about the above pictures is WHO is the ILY sign being directed to? Obama is directing it towards an audience holding d/Deaf / HOH folks [w/ a terp next to him, no less!]. Palin? Well, I don't know, surely not a d/Deaf person. :eek3:
I read first hand, personal accounts of some deaf folks meeting briefly with Palin at a couple of rallies in Nevada the other day but I am not sure if this was the first time she became aware of the ILY sign or if she used it in Nevada because she was made aware of and met a few deafies there and flashed it.

If I can find the personal account, I'll post it but I'm not gonna break my neck doing it because, this and other stuff has come down to pettiness.

I'll concede Obama is ahead (in numbers) to the extent that no one in history has overcome (that I remember) with what little time remains to go to the polls.
When I first started reading this thread I thought 'everybody know's the ILY sign' and I see y'all agree, too. What is important to me about the above pictures is WHO is the ILY sign being directed to? Obama is directing it towards an audience holding d/Deaf / HOH folks [w/ a terp next to him, no less!]. Palin? Well, I don't know, surely not a d/Deaf person. :eek3:

Thanks for posting that pic, NEWIDME.