Running over the Fiscal Cliff

ok, back at ya, now if you spot any wines from new zealand and on the lable Whitehaven, sauvignon blanc its that good, better than french savignon blancs

I don't drink wines :sadwave:
Senate just passed vote including this part, automatic yearly pay raise. This seems getting better and better. Now hopefully house stick to Senate vote. We will see.

Obama wants tax increase for those with $250K or higher, Senate passed for $400/450.

Senate just passed vote including this part, automatic yearly pay raise. This seems getting better and better. Now hopefully house stick to Senate vote. We will see.

Obama wants tax increase for those with $250K or higher, Senate passed for $400/450.

It looks like house is delaying the vote and if they don't approve it so it will thrown out of window.
A bill that passed Senate 89-8 is almost "dead on arrival" in the House with Majority Leader Eric Cantor opposing it. (link)

The Republican led House could amend the bill and return it to the Senate.

It may truly die in the process.

I'm hold the house as major accountable for over the fiscal cliff and the revenue bill must be originated from the house, so they let senate to craft and passed the bill.
Michael Palin in the Himalayas . . . that is sooo, so much better!

I don't care if I did see it 10 years ago .

Gee, I see why most don't want $250/300K as minimum threshold for paying more taxes they changed to $400/450, that way they don't have to pay more taxes... Damn congress! they earn between $250 and $400 But at least passed to avert the massive cuts and tax increases.
its the top end corporates who DONT own or operate small businesses they are not going to be harmed, it is the BIG earners who fucks with other peoples money in the international market which the congress wants...i see thats sensible, to take from the rich, and leave the middles as the middles are the one holding down businesses in the actual USA soils....that way, it more abotu survival, and not endangering the actual jobs within inside the american soil.

now as for a non-american i right?