richness in eve online

flaming blade

New Member
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
do anyone know the fastest way to get money err i mean isk from beginning to end since i must have cithderal torpdeo but very costly
flaming blade said:
do anyone know the fastest way to get money err i mean isk from beginning to end since i must have cithderal torpdeo but very costly

What does Cithderal Torpdeo mean? *tilts the head* Im curious, could you explain what that means? Thank you. *grins*

By the way, its Melanie so you could know who I am ;)
LOL umm flaming blade... when u r talking abt games u need to put it in game catory not in general :-P

and fastest way to get isk is to mine in 0.0 solarsystem... mine rare ores is best not common ones. ( i made 130 mil isk in 2 days only and mined about 200 mil isk worth of minerals but havent refined them and havent sold them yet)

Cithderal Torpedo is the most powerful missile there is... it can damage other ship like 1 thousand points so abt 3 of those and the battleship will blow up :)

isk= money,
0.0 = the security standing of each solarsystem... highest is 1.0 and its safest.. 0.0 is lowest and most dangerous
ores= the roids in space where u can mine to make money or to build spaceships
minerals= the items u get from melting down ores
refine=melting items down
battleship=biggest ship there is and is pretty hard to blow up theres a lot of ships but ill explain them later if u want to know
btw just in case u dont know... look for Entertainment then go to Video & Board Games thats where u post abt games but i should warn u... atm only 4 people i know now is a member of eve game i dont know if anybody else is playing that game I tried to find out earlier and absolutely no one replied so.. i assume no one plays it sure would be nice if more deaf people would play it though
alrighty then thanks spicey oh and citderal torpdeos are an weapon for space ships in case anyone else dont know its an strongest weapon for one space rpg online games its pure action and stragety and good for marketing skills it seems to be high in economic action roleplaying kind of a thing i m only experienced in older version of eve online but newer version s eve online exdus that s i am unfamilar with so spicey when i go in eve i will defintely need your help heh
SpiceHD said:
LOL umm flaming blade... when u r talking abt games u need to put it in game catory not in general :-P

and fastest way to get isk is to mine in 0.0 solarsystem... mine rare ores is best not common ones. ( i made 130 mil isk in 2 days only and mined about 200 mil isk worth of minerals but havent refined them and havent sold them yet)

Cithderal Torpedo is the most powerful missile there is... it can damage other ship like 1 thousand points so abt 3 of those and the battleship will blow up :)

isk= money,
0.0 = the security standing of each solarsystem... highest is 1.0 and its safest.. 0.0 is lowest and most dangerous
ores= the roids in space where u can mine to make money or to build spaceships
minerals= the items u get from melting down ores
refine=melting items down
battleship=biggest ship there is and is pretty hard to blow up theres a lot of ships but ill explain them later if u want to know

What's website for that the multiplayer online?
sorry :-P theres so many websites to eve... for many different reasons :-P
flaming blade said:
alrighty then thanks spicey oh and citderal torpdeos are an weapon for space ships in case anyone else dont know its an strongest weapon for one space rpg online games its pure action and stragety and good for marketing skills it seems to be high in economic action roleplaying kind of a thing i m only experienced in older version of eve online but newer version s eve online exdus that s i am unfamilar with so spicey when i go in eve i will defintely need your help heh

by the way flaming blade... citderal torpedos arent used for ships. its used for POS (player own structure) not for ships... its on sale now and found out u cant use any of it on ships... only on POS thats it .