Reporting SSI Fraud


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
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I see so many deaf scam artists gaming the system to get SSI. They advise each other to go to the welfare office and act "mute" and dumb and when they get SSI they blow it on luxuries like trips to Europe, new cars, and even drugs. As a taxpayer, I feel that it's very wrong to take the money other people need more. I've seen many struggling single mothers get turned down while deaf people with rich parents get it under false premises.

I know a deaf man who has a second bank account under his sister's name and he stashes his SSI money there to keep the government from tracking it down! If that's not welfare abuse then I don't know what it is.

If you're deaf, you probably know plenty of other deaf people who abuse the system. The right thing to do is to report them to the SSA. The SSA has an online form you can fill out, or you can send them a letter or call their hotline. Let's help crack down on those folks and give the money to those who legitimately need it!