Remembering John Lennon


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May 26, 2004
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John Lennon - Imagine Lyrics

John Lennon was shot and killed thirty years ago today, and I am listening to his music with friends. I especially loved his song "Imagine" and thought I would post its lyrics in here.
Oh man, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.

RIP, John Lennon. The entire world, deaf or hearing, is a better place because of him.
RIP :( Sorry.... I couldnt hear the music!
Oh man, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.

RIP, John Lennon. The entire world, deaf or hearing, is a better place because of him.

I agree with you, he did have a profound effect on society. I remember his song "Give Peace a Chance" was banned in Canada at the start of the Iraq war. What a shame.
I wonder what the world would be like if he was still alive today.
^bump because today is his birthday.

Happy birthday, John Lennon.