Reintroducing Myself


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
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Its been a while since I have been on since my life has been busy. I thought it would be nice to reintroduce myself to everyone. Its been about two years since I was last on here.

I was born with unilateral hearing loss and scaring in my right ear. My mother was given the option of sending me to the school for the deaf but decided against is because she thought I would never learn to speak. I went to mainstream schooling and wasn't given a ha until I was 28. I used an fm system for a short time in school but it was like a full body ha and I couldn't stand the teasing so I refused to wear it.

My hearing loss has progressed through the years. I am functionally deaf in my right ear and my left ear has a moderate loss. Speech sounds are getting harder and harder to understand without my ha. I don't know ASL yet but I will be going back to school for it in the fall.

I also have an 11 year old autistic son.
welcome back. right, its never too late to learn ASL. I believe you already know that there are lots of deafies aorund who lives in rochester according to your location. :) mines syracuse ny.
Thank you for the nice welcomes! I will be teaching my mother and son ASL. My son has been exposed to ASL all along. Many of the non verbal children is his classes use it and he also had a friend in school who had a ci and refused to speak. He uses a little and I know a few basic signs. My son's teacher is starting to sign as much as possible with me to help me learn more.
:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum. Have fun and hoping that you can stay around here more. Keep on reading and posting. See you around here. :wave: